Internet Marketing Made Easy



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Every effort has been made to be accurate in this publication. The publisher does not assume any responsibility for errors, omissions or contrary interpretation. We do our best to provide the best information on the subject, but just reading it does not guarantee success. You will need to apply every step of the process in order to get the results you are looking for.

This publication is not intended for use as a source of any legal, medical or accounting advice. The information contained in this guide may be subject to laws in the United States and other jurisdictions. We suggest carefully reading the necessary terms of the services/products used before applying it to any activity which is, or may be, regulated. We do not assume any responsibility for what you choose to do with this information. Use your own judgment.

Any perceived slight of specific people or organizations, and any resemblance to characters living, dead or otherwise, real or fictitious, is purely unintentional.

Some examples of past results are used in this publication; they are intended to be for example purposes only and do not guarantee you will get the same results. Your results may differ from ours. Your results from the use of this information will depend on you, your skills and effort, and other different unpredictable factors.

It is important for you to clearly understand that all marketing activities carry the possibility of loss of investment for testing purposes. Use this information wisely and at your own risk.

Table of Contents



Chapter I: What is Internet Marketing all about?


Chapter II: Why you must start doing Internet Marketing TODAY?


Chapter III: The Top 5 Elements of a Successful IM Campaign


Element #1: Having a good product or service to sell


Element #2: Optimizing your Website for Max. Conversions


Element #3: Traffic Generation


Element #4: Tracking


Element #5: Customer Relationship Management


Chapter IV: 10 Proven IM Tips to grow your Business online


Chapter V: 10 Proven IM Strategies for Internet Marketers


Chapter VI: Shocking Internet Marketing Case Studies




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Welcome to the latest and most effective Internet Marketing Training Guide, designed to take you by the hand and walk you through the process of getting the most out of Internet Marketing on behalf of your business. I’m so excited to have you here, and I know this will be very helpful for you.

This excellent and exclusive Training Guide will take you by the hand and show you step-by-step, topic by topic, and tool by tool what you really need to know in order to dominate marketing over the web - the easiest way possible, using the most effective tools and in the shortest time ever.

This is exactly what you are going to learn:

In Chapter I, You will learn what Internet Marketing is all about; we will give you the easiest definition for it, you will learn its amazing purposes for your business and how to get started with it.

In Chapter II, You will learn why you must start doing Internet Marketing for your business TODAY. You will learn about some amazing benefits Internet Marketing can bring to any type of business as well as really shocking facts that will make you decide to do it right away.

In Chapter III, You will learn about the Top 5 Elements of a Successful Internet Marketing Campaign. We will cover topics like having a good product or service

to sell, optimizing your website for maximum conversions, Traffic Generation, Tracking, and Customer Relationship Management.

In Chapter IV, You will learn about 10 Proven Internet marketing Tips to grow your Business Online. Tips that you can apply, and definitely see great results in your efforts. These tips have been very effective and have been used by experienced people in the subject.

In Chapter V, You will learn about 10 Proven Internet marketing Strategies to generate a good income as an Internet Marketer. Strategies that you can apply and definitely see great results in your efforts. These Strategies have been very effective and have been used by experienced internet marketers.

In Chapter VI, You will get the chance to look at really amazing and eye-opening Internet Marketing Case Studies from Businesses and Internet Marketers. These are actual examples we have taken from the internet to show you that Internet Marketing actually works so that you can have complete confidence in your ability to achieve your own business success story.

Well, it’s time to dominate Internet Marketing guys. I know you will love this Video Training a lot.

To Your Success

Chapter I: What is Internet Marketing all about?

§ clip_image006[4]Definition:

The Internet is a worldwide network that enables easy sharing of information among users scattered around the globe. The World Wide Web is a feature of the internet which provides services specifically for web sites.

Marketing is the methodology of communicating where businesses are associated with the buying and selling of products and services, and dealing with offerings that have some advantages for their clients, customers and society.

Internet marketing would then mean a cumulative amalgamation of both these modes of communication which facilitates info sharing with its users.

Internet Marketing is the process of ‘How to advertise products and services, and promote business or brand’ over the internet with a set of powerful tools and techniques.

This marketing strategy consists of having an extensive range of marketing aspects and mechanisms such as Email marketing, Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Optimization etc., instead of traditional marketing.

Technology is changing at a very rapid pace which makes it difficult for marketers to be on track with it. Therefore, they are seeking the help of the internet to evolve and adapt their marketing to the online sphere.

The growing dependence of businesses on the internet is not hidden from anyone. With the advent of globalization, people have access to numerous sources of information, which subsequently increases their purchasing power.

Powerful search houses like Google, Yahoo etc. have enabled people to search fast and easily to suit their requirements. You can make use of various types of promotion tactics like pay-per-click and banner ads to bring valuable visitors to your website.

§ The Purpose of internet marketing:

clip_image008[4]The basic purpose of internet marketing is to enable businesses to grow- both in terms of monetary gains and value addition to their products and services.

With effective use of internet marketing strategies, you can follow

a pin-point plan of action and move ahead as per your desired targets. Most of the business organizations have these basic objectives –

ü Money making:

Most of the businesses today have the basic objective of using internet marketing to gain monetary benefits. It’s good to be money oriented, but keep in mind not to lose track of your quality aspect in the long run.

ü Value delivery:

Value delivery aims to give customers the best quality at the most affordable prices.

This has been going on for ages in the business industry. Prolonged efforts have been made, and they have yielded expected results for the users.

ü Brand enhancement:

A cumulative effort of both the above points, it focuses on maximum customer satisfaction by providing them the best quality products at an affordable cost, also. Brand enhancement enables you to enhance customer base with reduced efforts.

ü Overall business success:

A careful and planned implementation of internet marketing strategies proves to be of immense help for your business. All the facets of growth are easily catered to if these strategies are given their due importance.

ü Educating the consumers:

Internet marketing helps a great deal in educating the consumers. By proper utilization of it, information sharing becomes convenient and gets transmitted across various channels.

ü Facilitates advertising process:

A company’s advertising process gets boosted with internet marketing. By making people aware of the products and services through internet marketing, businesses are cutting its cost on advertising in a big way.

ü Better communication:

Communication within an organization as well as with customers is facilitated with internet marketing. Through effective online promotions, large numbers of people get information in a short time.

§ How to get started with Internet Marketing:

clip_image010[4]Internet Marketing is a great method that will help you make big bucks with the latest technology, online power tools and low cost. The below mentioned points will enable you to get started with internet marketing in a simple manner –

1. Set goals: Be attentive and have clearly defined goals. Find the answer of "Why." This “Why” gives you a straightforward idea to decide clear

objectives for your business and follow them in a smooth manner. It also enables you to move forward in a stream lined direction and avoid going off track for achieving your goals. (you'll have clearly defined goals)

2. Manage expectations: Do extensive research on your targeted customers, and their likes and dislikes. You should find out what their exact requirements are and give an apt solution for that. (That's called need recognition)

3. Set yourself up for success: You need to determine proper tools to manage your web presence. Distinctive views of every product and service will help you to get more traffic. You can try numerous ad copies to find the best ad copy for specific products and services to attract your potential customers.

4. Have something worth selling: Give some great offers to capture your visitor’s attention. You can also print out your product and service benefits and why they should opt for your product instead of others.

5. Get started: You are done with everything, such as setting up the goals, research, tools and products. Now, you can opt for sites or networks that you want to use or test to make your campaign successful. Be honest and realistic with your expectations because nothing is a magic bullet.

Chapter II: Why you must start doing Internet Marketing for your business TODAY?

clip_image012[4]Internet Marketing is an important marketing tool with eye-catching features that allows businesses to communicate directly to their targeted customers by using technology. Within the coming few years, thousands of more people will be hooked up with the internet to search for what they need.

This marketing strategy helps small and medium sized businesses reach across the

globe with their products and services. The ROI of Internet marketing is far more than traditional marketing tactics.

Here I am going to show you some amazing benefits that will help you to know why you should opt for Internet Marketing –

§ Amazing Benefits:

ü Cost Effective:

clip_image014[4]Internet Marketing allows you to promote your products and services to a wide span of audience, even if you have a limited budget to work with. It enables you to track the results of your efforts in a very short time frame. You will able to reduce your marketing cost with

Pay-Per-Click advertising and use this amount in other online marketing


You can begin with Blog Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Guest posting, Content Marketing and many other advertisements with less investment. When you promote online, you save various costs like staffing, premises, disintermediation, financial management, etc.

ü Real Time Results:

With Internet marketing, you do not have to await for a long time to identify the notable rise in your business. It allows to track your campaign with online analytics and delivers immediate results. Real time marketing tools are more beneficial and effective for your business as compared to other tools.

You can opt for a paid search advertisement (PPC, CPC and CPM) to comprise the instant results that empower you to calibrate your promotional content in order to attain a desired outcome. If your advertising campaign is not performing adequately, these tools permit you to find out the exact problem area.

clip_image016[4]Almost one third of the population of the world has access to the internet with their computers and smartphones. Marketing your products online allows you to reach customers around the globe, as compared to traditional marketing where you are restricted to a geographical area.

You can get access to your potential customers by precisely targeting them according to their specific needs and wants. Numerous internet marketing approaches (such as Email marketing, Pay-Per-Click, etc.) help you to promote your products and services to reach your global prospects.

With a good internet marketing campaign, you will be able to attract more potential customers and buyers towards your business, which is the prime goal of every business.

ü Build Relationships:

The Internet provides a great deal of assistance by fostering good customer relationships. It provides a suitable platform to facilitate higher customer retention levels. You can follow your customers with auto-responder services to build an after-sale relationship.

As you know, engagement is the key to grabbing your customer’s attention. It helps to maintain a healthy buyer-seller relationship, building trust and increasing customer loyalty in the long run.

personalized for them. This personal touch will help to sustain your customer’s relationship. Social Media marketing and Email marketing are the best strategies to improve the trust factor in your customers at a personal level.

ü clip_image018[4]Increase sales and traffic:

Search Engine Marketing, Social Media, Blogs and other marketing strategies will help you gather more traffic towards your website. The more visitors you have on your website the more popularity you will gain for your brand.

Internet marketing also improves the chances of closing deals because customers like to purchase online instead of going for a physical purchase. And the customers who get a regular newsletter from you are more likely to purchase from you.

Giving an opportunity to purchase online will increase revenue for your business and reciprocate with an excellent return of investment (ROI).

ü Facilitates brand engagement:

With the help of internet marketing, making your brand recognizable to consumers becomes a very convenient task. It becomes very easy for businesses to establish contacts with its customers with internet marketing.

of converting visitors into clients. It enables people to get information easily and facilitates their purchase decision.

Consequently, a business owner can easily convey his message to his customers with minimal efforts. Along with that, he ensures his brand remains fresh in the minds of consumers.

ü Enhanced customer attention:

clip_image020[4]Internet marketing is a great medium to hold on to your customer's attention and pass on your product information in a simplified manner. With the pin- point strategies of the web, diverse products can be made accessible in simple manner.

An effective online marketing strategy has the potential to generate great results for the success of your business. People get to know the quality of your products without having to get in touch with you physically.

Another benefit is that customers always stay updated through emails or through your website. Along with that, internet marketing also enables you to get maximum information disseminated through minimal efforts.

ü Increases your availability and accessibility:

Through the internet, you have a chance to sell your products at any point of time without having to spare a thought about time constraints. All your selling efforts can be directed in the right direction of attaining customers.

purchase your products and services at any given point of time.

Therefore, with the help of internet marketing, selling products around the clock has become a possibility. The constraints of time and geographical boundaries need not be kept in mind by the business owners.

ü Convenience of tracking orders:

One of the most important aspects of internet marketing is that it enables the consumers to track orders as they need and desire. They can worry less about late delivery of products.

This increases the scope of consumers trust and confidence in your brand. If they place an order, they do not have to spare a thought for receiving their orders.

When a person has full confidence in your delivery system, he becomes a self- motivated agent for spreading a positive word of mouth. This ensures your business achieves its desired goals and objectives.

ü Enhanced social media relationships:

clip_image022[4]By internet marketing, you can easily get benefits of the growing importance of social media. By having your presence felt on various social platforms, your brand recognition process gets duly simplified.

scattered over a large geographical area. The constraints of geographical areas are not required to be kept in mind.

By facilitating improved relations with social media, businesses are able to generate huge volumes of profit also, because they get a chance to increase their sales with the use of strategies that are designed to gain customer attention.

All these benefits will surely enhance your interest.

Here, I am going to show you some interesting facts about Internet Marketing to take you the next level. And these will add a limitless value for your products and brand.

§ Shocking Facts:

clip_image024[4]Every month there are more than 10.3 billion Google searches, with 78% of U.S. internet users researching products and services online. (Source)


Business-to-consumer (B2C) ecommerce

sales worldwide will rise nearly 20% to reach

$1.471 trillion in 2014. (Source)

Internet advertising will rise to 25% of the entire ad spend by 2015. (Source)


71% of internet users are more likely to

purchase from a brand that they are following on a social networking site such as Twitter or Facebook. (Source)

On average, we conduct 12 billion searches

per month on the web in the United States. (Source)


97% of all consumers search for local

businesses online. (Source)

85% of customers expect businesses to be active on social media. (Source)


About 60 percent of all Internet activity in

the U.S. originates from mobile devices, and about half of total Internet traffic flows through mobile apps. (Source)

98% of marketers plan to increase or maintain their spend in 2014. (Source)


86% of senior-level marketers agree that it's

important to create a cohesive customer journey across all touch-points and channels. (Source)

88% of digital marketers consider real-time marketing as an important part of their 2014 online marketing plans. (Source)


Worldwide e-commerce is expected to increase by 20.1 percent by year’s end, increasing to $1.5 trillion. (Source)

93% of online experiences begin with a Search Engine. (Source)


The top three social networks used by B2B

marketers are LinkedIn (91%); Twitter (85%); and Facebook (81%). However, just 62% of marketers say that LinkedIn is effective, while 50% say the same for Twitter and only 30% of B2B marketers view Facebook as effective. (Source)


Emails with social sharing buttons increase

click through rates by 158%. (Source)

Chapter III: The Top 5 Elements of a Successful Internet Marketing Campaign

Making money over the internet with your business is not a rocket science, but you must definitely know what you are doing, and do it right. The Top 5 Elements of a Successful Internet Marketing Campaign are:

Element #1: Having a good product or service to sell

Element #2: Optimizing your website for maximum conversions Element #3: Traffic Generation

Element #4: Tracking

Element #5: Customer Relationship Management

Element #1: Having a good product or service to sell.

The first and foremost important point to keep in mind while going for internet marketing is to have a product or service that caters to the needs of the people. Its qualities and features should meet their requirements.

Having an excellent “problem solving” product enhances the chances of success for your business. People need to feel that all their problems can be duly satisfied after purchasing your product.

The following points can enhance the value of your product when offered to people-

ü Satisfy their needs:

The most important quality of a good product is that it should be able to cater to the needs and requirements of the people. They should develop a feeling that it has been designed only to satisfy them.

The qualities and attributes of a successful product rests in effectively solving the problems of customers. Its price, availability and demand are all connected to satisfying the requirements of customers.

For a smooth and proper business function, the needs of your customers should be properly solved.

ü Authentic link between your sales page and product content:

clip_image026[4]A general saying goes like this “First impression is the last impression”. In business context also, that saying is equally important. There should be a clear connection with what you say, and what customers end up receiving.

The sales page is the first impression that gets the maximum viewership

for your product. Keep in mind that only relevant and authentic information

should be depicted on your sales page.

If there is some deviation between your sales page and product content, a negative image gets transmitted, and your business heads for a topsy-turvy, flip flop.

A good product should be able to establish a personal bond of trust and faith with its customers. When people feel connected to your product, they become brand loyal, and provide a positive word of mouth review.

The ultimate goal of your product should be to satisfy the unheard needs and wants of the customer. It should be designed in a way to increase the level of brand awareness, along with gauging monetary benefits.

When the customers feel a connection with your product, they give a favorable word of mouth review and ensures brand recognition at minimal cost.

ü Stand by your commitment:

clip_image028[4]An effective and profit yielding product's most important feature is its ability to stand by the promise that was made to customers. For decades, businesses have adopted this without any changes or modifications.

By focusing on your pre-made promise, it becomes convenient to address the issues of customers. Many business houses have failed to deliver as per the promise, and the results have been disastrous.

Remember, the easiest way to lose the customer is by giving fake promises. Stand by your words to enjoy success in every aspect of business.

Results that have the proof attached are the most eye-catching features for each and every product. By showing authentic and bankable reviews, the chances of your product's success gets multiplied easily.

When people read about the experiences, don’t give them a fake picture of what your product never delivered. Testimonials attract the attention of viewers, but if not authentic, end up giving disastrous results.

Be authentic and genuine to beat your competitors in every regard.

ü Be unique and creative:

clip_image030[4]In today’s high-tech scenario, creativity holds a great deal of relevance for all companies. Whether you offer a product or you belong to the service sector, you always need to get people’s interest by offering them something lucrative.

Creativity is not restricted to making subtle changes in the product. It can be used in your store design, in your way of advertising, how you promote your product, etc. Remember, being unique is far better than being monotonous and boring.

Being monotonous has been the habit of the losers. Highlight your offering by being different from the others.

Change is the essence of life. This saying holds true to some extent, but, in the case of a product, consistency cannot be compromised in any respect. Efforts must be made to be as authentic as possible.

Being consistent forges a strong relation with your customers. It gives them a feeling of satisfaction that fuels the purchase decision. Major business houses have their focus on providing a consistent, quality product designed to get the customer's attention.

ü clip_image032[4]Foster effective Connections:

The product you are selling should be able to make its audience connect to it. People should be able to relate themselves to your product, and should become a part of your organization’s success.

Design your product or your store in such a way that it attracts people to visit it quite often. The key lies in thoroughly understanding their aspirations and your competitors' strategies, and use them toward your advantage.

To be a huge success, generate the feeling of connectivity amongst your customer base.

ü Be Customer-Centric:

The saying “Customer is the King”, holds a great deal of validity for all types of products and businesses. Its features, price, cost-effectiveness, problem solving approach, etc., should be focused on the customer.

clip_image035[4]Many businesses make the mistake of giving extra importance to promotion, advertising and other related activities. It should always be kept in mind that your

product is their first impression, and it should not become the last.

By making the customer adapt to your product, you will be able to hold on to them for an extended period of time and foster success for you brand.

ü Affordable price:

Pricing is the most important and time consuming decision every business owner has to make. An effective and attractive pricing strategy is very essential for catering effectively to your targeted customer base.

Over-pricing, as well as Under-pricing are both roadblocks to the success of your product. By having a price that is affordable and convenient, the customers feel connected and stand with you in the long run.

Price has always been a debatable issue for the customers. Always remember, all of them will not be satisfied, so don’t run after them without a reason.

Element #2: Optimizing your website for maximum conversions.

Your website plays the most important role in designing a lucrative Internet marketing plan. To generate more revenue, website performance is a prime aspect you have to focus on. Optimization is not that easy, so you need to analyze your website timely to enhance the functionality of your business.

Numerous businesses are utilizing internet marketing to drive more traffic for their website. Conversion rates depend on the types of websites you have. Your website may be designed to gather leads, make a sale or for the sign-up process. So the conversion rate will vary accordingly.

Here is a step by step process to optimize your website for maximum conversions.

1. User Experience

2. Writing Good Content

3. Writing Hypnotizing Sales Copies

4. Having a Lead Generation System

5. Strategic Monetization

1. User Experience:

To provide a great user experience to your users, you need to create an engaging website. Your home page is the supreme point of contact that allows you to depict complete information in a stream lined manner.

Optimizing user experience is a method of exploring, planning, implementation, computation and repetition. It also improves user satisfaction and relegates the cost of development, redesigning, support and documentation.

While optimization your website, you can-

ü Explain what you do on your “About Us” page with a mission statement.

ü Include a video on your website about your product or just an introduction as per the requirement to hold your audience.

ü Include a site search box to make searching easy for your visitors.

ü Add unique product information to your website by giving a description with a personal touch.

ü Use consistent formatting so that visitors will be able to find out the information they need.

ü Structured navigation allows your audience to look for the pages in which they are interested.

ü Add social interaction as well, where the user can easily share the content on social media.

2. Writing good content:

Writing good content is very important for attracting the attention of your visitors. The content that you show on your website is very essential and should represent the exact needs of the audience.

Writing good and authentic content ensures that you'll get high rankings in the search engines, and you'll get good exposure to increase your customer base. The below mentioned points are very essential and useful for each and every business:

ü Write original content.

ü Let your content carve a niche for itself.

ü Have strong and precise headlines.

ü Never over-speak.

ü Solve their problems instead of enhancing them.

All these above mentioned points will ensure that you are able to get maximum readability for your website, and consequently increase the share of profits.

3. Writing hypnotizing sales copy:

Sales copy has the potential to get you from Rags to Riches. A sound, pin-point accurate and specifically designed sales copy enhances the chances of success for your product.

The sales copy acts as a perfect description for your product, crossing the barriers of geographical location. It gives you access to multiple streams of customers, and enables your product to reach the right place at the right time to solve the problems of customers.

The following points help you to add that extra advantage and make your sales copy more appealing:

ü Have an Eye-Catching headline.

ü Be specific and to the point.

ü Have a strong call to action attached.

ü Focus on solving customer’s problems.

ü Promise only what you can deliver.

By keeping in mind the above mentioned points, you will be able to craft a compelling sales copy, and ensure your product becomes a great success.

4. Strategic Monetization:

To get better results, you can go through these tools that will help you a lot in monetizing your website:

a) A/B Testing: A/B testing allows you to collect website data that displays various versions of a webpage so that you will be able to know which one can achieve your desired results.

b) Heat-map: A Heat-map is a 2-D graphical representation of data where values are defined by colors so your audience can figure out and evaluate complex data sets. It provides you complete information about your visitors. It summaries for you which part of your webpage is active or not. Crazy Egg is a popular Heat-map tool.

c) Paid Advertising: To drive more traffic toward your website, you can use paid advertisement such as PPC (Pay per Click), CPM (Cost Per mile), and CPA (Cost per Action). Paid Advertisement gives your business immediate and consistent traffic with targeted ads.

5. Having a lead generation System:

clip_image037[4]Generating leads is a great way to increase your database. Auto-responders help you to get the leads in your list such as AWeber, Get Response, and Mail Chimp.

Auto-responders improve your branding and personalization, Delivers mail directly in your audience's inbox, it's easy to organize and use, and establishes a relationship with Potential

Customers. Create Opt-in forms for your website to get more leads. Motivate them to fill in that form with a giveaway.

You can include an opt-in form on your about page, landing pages, free download pages, sidebars, end of blog posts, header and footer. You can also use the dreaded light box Pop-up window. By following these points in a simple manner, businesses can enable themselves to increase their earnings in a slow and gradual manner. If they are followed with the correct approach, they can ensure that all your efforts get directed in the correct direction, and you attain success in the long run.

Element #3: Traffic Generation.

clip_image039[4]The one thing you have to have in your mind about traffic is “Testing”. Yeah, you just need to test.

There is no such thing as the perfect traffic. No one online can guarantee you results because the

success of any type of offer depends on many factors at the same time. It depends on:

ü The image you use in your ad

ü The text you use in the ad

ü The country you are targeting

ü The language you are targeting

ü The age of the people you are targeting

ü The gender of the people you are targeting

ü The time of year

ü The traffic source

ü How hot your topic is online And many more

So, for that reason it is always better to test.

This is something completely logical. You won't have a lot of success if you decide to send 1,000,000 clicks for $10 per offer when you don’t know where in the world that traffic is coming from.

§ Free vs Paid Traffic

clip_image041[4]There are two ways to get traffic. You can get it for free or you can pay to get it.

Paid or free traffic does not tell you the quality of the traffic. Of course you can get high quality traffic a lot easier if you pay for it. But you can still get really high quality traffic for free, if you know how to do it.

I can spend the whole day talking about all the traffic sources you can use to advertise online but I won't waste your time on that.

I will give you principles, so you can judge for yourself which traffic channel to use. It’s a lot easier doing it that way instead of giving you a list of 100 ways to drive traffic to your website.

For that reason the following 3 principles will tell you where to turn once you decide to get traffic of really high quality.

Principle #1: The Traffic should be Niche Related.

You have to make sure the people you are going to advertise to, are actually interested in your topic.

clip_image043[4]clip_image044[4]SEO or search engine traffic consists of getting traffic from search engines. You build a website, write a lot of content relevant to your offer, optimize that website with an endless number of optimization techniques, and then after a few months or

so, some of your webpages will start getting at the top of the search engines once people search for a term related to your content.

Then, when they decide to enter your website, they see your offer somewhere on the page and decide to go and visit it.

That’s a basic example of this type of traffic. It is niche related because people are performing a search with a keyword related to your website and your offer. But the process of getting at the top of the search engines like Google (which is the one most used) is really hard.

People call this type of traffic FREE traffic, but it is not. If you are not an expert on optimization you are lost, and if you have to pay someone to do it for a monthly fee, it’s not free.

clip_image045[4]clip_image048[4]It is high converting, yes. SEO Traffic is amazingly great.

PPC is also an awesome way to get this type of traffic. There are various places that offer Search Engine traffic by paying per click.

The most common places are GoogleAdWords, YahooAdvertising, and BingAds

They place relevant ads right at the top of the search engines once people search for a term, so this is a really nice, easy way to get to the top; however, it can get really expensive.

You just need to test it with some money and see what you get. As I told you, testing is important; PPC gets expensive if you don’t know what you are doing and decide to get as many clicks as possible without making some changes to your ad.

There are other places where you can get Niche targeted traffic in the form of PPC. Those places are Facebook Advertising, Twitter, LinkedIn, and 7Search.

them may ask you for keywords, others might ask you to target by interest, and some others may ask you to pick categories, etc.

Another really awesome way to enjoy this type of traffic is with Solo Ads, which simply is finding someone with a large email list and having them send your email to his contact list.

This is absolutely awesome because the owner of the list will tell you what topic his list has been built for. That way, you will be doing with his list something you will do with your own list: approaching people highly engaged in the same topic of your product or service. This is just absolutely high quality traffic.

clip_image050[4]Another really high quality way to get niche related traffic is by posting on niche related forums and blogs.

Yeah, you can google something like diabetes forums, or diabetes blogs. If you decide to go for a forum, you probably will need to register first. Then you start browsing around searching for a topic you

know the most about, and then comment something of great value to the readers.

For blog commenting you can do the same, but you don’t have to create an account in the blog in order to post your opinion.

The way to get traffic to your page is by placing your website URL on any place allowed by the forum or blog owner.

shown in the registration process.

For blog commenting, if they give you the option to place your website while you are commenting, it means you are able to place a link, which will usually be hyperlinked in your name.


clip_image054[4]Remember, always post or comment something of value

to everyone. That will help your post or comment get approved and people will

definitely take a look at your website to get more valuable information from you.

Principle #2: The Traffic should be Country or even City oriented

This is something extremely important when talking about collecting leads for your business.

Maybe you are planning to launch a brand new service or a special offer for people from the United States or from a city in particular.

Maybe you would like to see how people from Latin America can actually be a great audience to target your product or services.

Your business can go international without having to build a physical shopping place in any country or

services by building a segmented list of people from that country or city.

So, it is very important that you come up with a traffic source that can give you the option of targeting the specific countries and cities of your choice.

SEO is not that great with this because you just get traffic from whatever country is interested in your topic, but PPC service providers can easily provide you with this principle.

PPC is so amazing because it is like you are in a High Quality Shopping Mall, you just grab exactly what you need and pay for it, it’s as simple as that.

You pick the topics or submit the keywords, you pick the countries and even the cities and you can even pick a town, which is possible with Facebook.

With Solo Ads you will only know where the traffic is coming if you ask the list owner about it. You can ask him to send you a screenshot. That’s something very easy to know if he is actually using a High Quality Autoresponder Service.

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clip_image056[4]Principle #3: The traffic should have demographic choices

It is highly imperative that the traffic source has as many demographic choices as possible; let me tell you why.

every product is segmented by audiences too. The same exact thing happens online.


clip_image057[4]There are some products that are oriented to satisfy needs for women. Oth are for men, others are for kids, others are for teenagers and others are for adults.

For that reason, traffic should also be segmented like that.

It’s just not good trying to send 1,000,000 people to an offer and hope for the best. You have to make sure what audience your offer has been created for, and then you need to identify as many characteristics of this audience as you can.

A really good way to do this is by searching on Google for a term like Diabetes. Then, take the top page, which will probably be talking just about diabetes.

Then, you can go to or, analyze those websites, and you will have a really cool vision of the audience that is directly related to your topic.

Now, you just need to look at those traffic websites that offer you as many demographic options as possible.

clip_image058[4]It is impossible to do this with SEO. Because once again, you can’t control who enters to your website, but you still can use that information to know more about your direct audience.

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also choose from: gender, age, language, behaviors, and several more demographic choices.

Solo ads can’t let you decide this, either. You are lucky if your Solo ad provider can tell you about the demographics of each one on his list, because it is really hard to tell that from an autoresponder service.

With all this being said, I want to save you a lot of research and keep you from going crazy trying to figure out where to turn to get the highest quality traffic ever.

Buddy, one of the highest quality traffic sources ever, and one of the most used traffic sources of all internet marketers is Facebook Ads.

Yeah, that’s right, Facebook is the largest social media platform on the planet. Everybody is on Facebook, and there is a huge probability that any audience that you would ever try to target is there, too.

Facebook has an unbelievable flexibility when talking about demographics. You can even target places from the smallest town to the largest city if you want, it’s just amazing.

clip_image060[4]With Facebook Ads you can guarantee that all 3 principles come together: Niche Related Traffic, Country and City oriented Traffic, and endless Demographic traffic choices.

traffic, but the largest one is Facebook.

It is true that there are a lot of other places you can get traffic applying those 3 principles. Social Media platforms are the specialist on that kind of


The great miracle of the internet is that you can take on as much high quality traffic as you want. You now know the principles. You just need to go and search for the traffic sources and judge for yourself before using it.

Element #4: Tracking.

Tracking is extremely important for absolutely any internet marketing task.

If you would like to reduce costs and significantly increase productivity you have to track everything you do online.

When marketing online, you will need to be tracking 2 general segments, and according to the results of those 2 general segments you will have to make 3 wise decisions.

The first thing you must track is how well your lead generation system is converting. And the second thing you have to track is how well your sales pages are converting.

The 1st wise decision you must make is about altering or changing your lead generation system, the 2nd wise decision you must make is about altering or changing the traffic source you are using, and the 3rd wise decision you must make is about altering or changing the sales page's content.


§ Lead Generation Tracking

clip_image064[4]When building your list, you will need to be tracking 2 things: the first thing you must track is how well your squeeze page is converting. And the second thing you have to track is the traffic source you are using.

There are all kinds of awesome tracking tools you can use for this, but I really don’t want to get too technical on it.

You really don’t have to immerse yourself into the complicated website traffic tracking and the opt-in conversion tracking worlds in order to set up a reliable tracking strategy when building your list.

You just need to take it easy and use the simple tools. Yeah that’s right.

And for that, we are going to use, your Autoresponder service provider. It will

track your results.

Yes that’s right. I won’t send you to some other website to spend money for this.

Once you have created the Opt-in box for your squeeze page, you will see it listed there in the sign up form area.

And what you see right there is a lot of useful information.


You will see the name of the opt-in form, the views or displays, "filled-ins" or submissions and the Conversion Rate.

This is all you need to track your squeeze page conversion and traffic sources. Let me tell you how.

clip_image068[4]Right here you can see 3 Lead Generation Tracking Strategies.

As you can see, I have created several opt-in boxes and all of them are created to collect leads for the exact same list.

I used the Name of the Opt-in form to identify the Traffic Source

The views refers to how many times the opt-in box has been shown since you

installed it on your squeeze page, this will then mean how many people have

visited your squeeze page.

The same clicks you see on the traffic service you have decided to use should be the same displays shown here.

The "filled-ins" are the leads generated from the views. And the conversion rate will tell you how well that traffic source and that squeeze page work together.

The higher the conversion rate the better.

The Conversion Rate will be the guide you will use to make the first 2 wise decisions: altering or changing your squeeze page, and altering or changing the traffic source.

clip_image070[4]I used several traffic sources for this. For each campaign I created several Squeeze Pages to see which one converted the best. So I cloned the exact

same opt-in box and installed it on different squeeze pages and tracked each and every one of them.

This way, you can compare which Squeeze Page converted the best, and keep using that one for further testing.

A high converting squeeze page and traffic source will have a success rate from 30% to 50%. We advise you to avoid cheap traffic in order to look for high quality leads for your business.

Cheap traffic hardly converts. What cheap traffic does is kill your squeeze page conversion rate.

Remember you must track your squeeze page and your traffic source. They have to work together.

Do not trash a squeeze page until you have tested it on several traffic sources.

Testing always takes some money. Once you have reached the sweet spot, you will be able to collect as many high quality leads as you want with an extremely low investment by just increasing your budget on something that you know works awesome already.

will be able to make a lot of free money in the future from the same leads you have collected before, plus the new ones.

List building is just amazing.

Some very important advice for you is that once you have installed your opt-in box on your squeeze page, you must test it, first. Just visit your squeeze page, put in your name and email, check your email, look for the confirmation email and click on the confirmation link, and also look on your auto responder service if you are in the list, as well.

Also check in the sign up form area to make sure that the display and submission appears there. Then, after you make sure everything is perfectly connected, avoid revisiting your squeeze page.

Do not visit your own squeeze page URLs. Because this will also be shown in the sign up form area statistics. That will mess up the tracking strategy completely because you will be creating fake additional views.

§ clip_image072[4]Tracking Sales:

The way to track sales is exactly the same as tracking optins, we will also be using your autoresponder service for it, but there will be fewer things to look at.

Besides creating optin boxes for subscribers, you will also be creating optin boxes for buyers, so you can have them on a separate list of contacts.

there in the sign up form area.

The only 2 things you have to care about the most here is on the Views and the Filled-ins.

The two numbers should be exactly the same, because every buyer that visits the buyers optin box after payment, they will want to get access to their purchase, and that will happen once they leave their contact details in the buyers optin box.

Therefore, these two numbers, especially the number of filled-ins will tell you the number of sales.

And how can you know how well your Sales Page is converting? That’s very easy too.

First of all, let’s take the number of submissions from the two different lists. Let’s say the Free Optins are 129, the Buyers are 37.

To calculate the Sales Page Conversion Rate: you first take the number of buyers

(37) and divide it by the number of free optins (129) and this will give you a value. You will take the first 2 numbers after the dot. In this case it is 28, and that will be the Conversion Rate Percentage.

At this point, you already know the squeeze page and traffic source work just great.

Here the most important value to consider, as well, is the Conversion Rate.

10%. But it will depend on the price of the product and on several other factors. 1% will be lowest good value.

But this may vary, it all depends on your profits. Profit or net income generally implies total revenue minus total expenses. So if a conversion rate of 1% covers your traffic expenses and get you an important profit margin then that’s awesome.

That conversion rate and the profit margin will help you make the 3rd wise decision which is altering or changing the sales page's content.

And that’s how you track.

Element #5: Customer Relationship Management.

clip_image074[4]Relationships are the key to success in every business. Customer relationship management, as the name suggests, refers to efforts made by businesses to maintain long term productive relationships with their customer base. Many efforts have been made to ensure growth through effective CRM strategies.

With the advent of technological advances, it has become

very easy for businesses to keep a track of their customers. All they need to do is

long run.

The below mentioned points will enable you to maintain healthy relations with your customers, and ensure your efforts get their due worth-

ü Stay focused and consistent:

The most important rule that companies need to keep in mind is that CRM activities are not simple implementations of technology. They require proper attention, as well as a planned and educated approach for their success.

Companies need to be focused on their CRM activities in the right manner. They have to employ the correct people because maintaining relations is not every person’s cup of tea.

Consistency is the key to success for all CRM activities. When you ensure regular contacts with your customer base, you remain fresh in their minds. This enhances your brand engagement efforts, and facilitates business success.

ü Keep it simple:

clip_image076[4]Simplicity is the most important thing that businesses fail to look upon. They get expensive software, high-end techniques and other expertise that are not easily understandable by their employees.

By meaning simple, it implies that CRM efforts should not go beyond the level of your employees. Until they are be able to understand them, they will not be able to use them for your benefit.

only as good as the people using it. Success is directly proportional to how your employees understand the CRM process and techniques.

ü Focus on your target market:

Focusing on your target market gives you a clear cut idea of how to go about addressing the needs and requirements of the customers. Marketing efforts get channeled in the right direction for better growth.

By having strategies designed for your target market, you can have a proper flowchart that helps you to stay in touch with customers, thereby ensuring their problem solving in an apt manner.

CRM activities get duly assisted when you are able to find out exactly to whom you need to cater. While designing customer attainment policies, have a correct idea of how to go about catering to their needs effectively.

ü Analyze your competition:

clip_image078[4]Competition analysis is the best way to develop good CRM strategies. If you know exactly what drawbacks or grey areas your competitors have, you can identify it, learn to do it better and use that strategy to outperform your competition. By analyzing your competitors, you get

complete information about the strategies that they are following. This

information is great help for businesses that want to beat the competition with minimal efforts.

attracting and retaining customers for your business. It also provides a framework for attaining the overall growth objectives.

ü Make proper use of Technology:

In today’s high tech scenario, technological advancements have provided a great stepping stone for attaining success for your business. No particular enterprise can think of achieving targets without the help of technology.

With proper use of technology, you can make a proper data base of all your customers since the beginning of your business. All their details can be saved for future reference and used at any point in time.

With the proper use of CRM software, you can manage tons of data with less efforts. It enhances your growth prospects as customers feel connected to you, and ultimately, ensures repeat purchase to satisfy their needs.

ü Make CRM activities mutually beneficial:

With the emergence of numerous CRM techniques, businesses have faced a problem of having too many choices. They do not know what's best for them, and as a result, they end up choosing something that is not suited to them.

Making them mutually beneficial means that customers, as well as businesses should get equal benefits from their implementation. CRM strategies should not be confined to business houses only.

ü Have a measurable customer base:

clip_image080[4]Another important point to

ensure is that your targeted

customer base should be

measurable and realistic. By having an idea of how many customers you have, it becomes easy to approach them on a regular basis.

CRM activities get assisted by this because when you know the exact number of customers needing to be catered to, individual attention can be given, and it paves the ultimate way for your success.

ü Plan your way to success:

The basic and the most relevant step that businesses fail to implement is making a suitable plan of action. By just knowing how to move forward in a proper direction, you ensure your CRM efforts get their due worth.

By following these above mentioned points in a proper manner, you can ensure that your CRM activities yield the best possible results. The success or failure of every business depends on the simple fact of how it maintains its relations with its customers.

Chapter IV: 10 Proven Internet Marketing Tips to grow your Business online

Online marketing has proven that it’s of vital importance for your business. The first and foremost important step for getting known to people is to have an online presence. By doing this, consumers can find you, then buy from you, and ultimately, get converted into your customers.

The below mentioned points will enable you to grow your business with the assistance of internet marketing:

§ Have clear goals:

Clear outlining of your objectives help to achieve business targets with minimal efforts. Goals can be short term as well as long term. Make a choice what you want to do: Drive visitors or generate profits.

The prominent thing to keep in mind is that you need to have unambiguous goals defined. It enables you to have a specific plan of action, and follow it without any confusion in your mind.

Along with that, having clear goals enables you to design the marketing efforts in a focused manner, so that you to facilitate effective functioning of your business.

§ Identify your target:

Knowing your targets helps you to cater to them in the best possible manner. Find out exactly what they desire, how your product gives them what they need, etc.

Other specific points that need to be kept in mind are: what are their age patterns, demographic factors, frequency of making a purchase, etc.?

Know them, the more you understand, the easier it will be able to sell to them.

Effective target identification gives the customers a feeling of belonging and facilitates long term relationship building.

§ Know their needs:

The most important part of any successful online marketing campaign is to find out the exact problem that people are facing. By doing this, you get a chance to focus on a specific area of concern for them.

By doing this, you get a clear idea of how to go about designing your promotional strategies. You can be accurate in knowing their needs and wants, and go about satisfying them over time.

Consequently, businesses are able to increase their rate of return, along with establishing targets in the long run.

§ Design a “problem solving” product:

An effective product is the foundation for the success of every business. Utmost importance needs to be given to creating a product that provides a one stop

solution for all problems of consumers. They should feel that the product has all of the required attributes in it.

The main factors that need to be kept mind for your product are: features, competition scenario, market sense, etc. By having a distinct product, you can easily go beyond your competition.

A product, or service, should have all the required attributes that are needed by a customer. It helps business to attract, retain and foster long-term relationships with them for mutual benefit.

§ Create an effective website:

An effective website enables the visitors to stay on it for a longer time. The first 8 seconds is all you get when trying to hold on to your customers. If you are unable to hold them, they hardly will ever come back to you.

Have simple and readable content along with easy navigation directions. Along with that, you should also have attractive landing pages and offer some valuable gifts on your website.

With the help of an effective website, you can engage your audience for that extra second that ultimately guides them to make a purchase. Get up, take action and see customers pouring in like never before.

§ Promote carefully:

A great deal of importance needs to be placed on sound promotion for your products and services. A good promotional strategy is the first step for being known in the eyes of consumers.

chance to enhance your profit margins by increasing the sales of your product. You can also offer high quality products to your customers.

A careful and planned approach needs to be followed to design an effective promotion strategy. Most importantly, keep in mind that your product will become the best, only if you promote it in an apt manner.

§ Overcome the middleman:

Since the inception of marketing, channels of delivery have always been the focus. The product, right from manufacturing until reaching the consumer, has to pass through various stages and middlemen.

With the internet, businesses are able to reach directly to their customer base. They are not required to depend on the services of any middleman for dispatching products from a store floor to their customers.

Also, big business houses are increasingly eager to work directly with small businesses because they understand that small brands are likely to bring new and innovative products to the marketplace.

§ Be innovative:

Creativity holds the success in today’s high tech marketing world. For displaying your products and services, you need to use creativity in your product, to enhance its overall appeal and worth.

A creative advertising campaign has the capacity to attract lots of new customers to your website. It can add laurels to the success of your product, and generate huge profits In the long run.

product. The sales mentality of your company also needs to be constantly updated, and new strategies have to be evolved in a continuous manner.

§ Keep updating your product:

The success or failure of any product depends on how efficiently it gets modified or updated in the long run. Always keep in mind that constant modifications must continue for value enhancement.

Never let your business or your product get stagnated due to obsolete strategies. Constant changes in your product enhance its value in the eyes of the customer. Don’t let your commitment or focus get away due of any problems. Remember, you will be able to attain success only when you know how to solve the problem, and come out victorious.

§ Enjoy the success:

After following all these steps, the final point that needs to be given attention to is enjoying the fruits of your success. Have a clear idea about your plan of action, and move forward in the right direction.

A careful and planned implementation of all the above mentioned steps will ensure that you get success for your business.

Growing businesses have been the main area of concern for owners of late. Lots of attention and time has been invested in this area. For addressing this issue, just follow the steps that we have mentioned here, and see your business growing like you have always wanted to.

Chapter V: 10 Proven Internet Marketing Strategies for Internet Marketers.

Are you a newbie internet marketer and looking for a six figure income? Internet provides you countless opportunities, but you need to be good in web marketing to gain profit in your online business.

Success in internet marketing campaigns depend on the strategies you set up to advertise your brand. Without having the best plan, all efforts are just wasting your time. This chapter will assist you in excelling with your online marketing campaign.

§ Look for a niche:

Finding a good niche is the main problem when you are entering an online business. You don’t need to be an expert. If you are passionate about some niches, go with them. Take a look for the latest trends and find a profitable niche to enter into that market.

Identify your audience and do extensive market research with specific keywords to suit their requirements. Also, be up to date about the competition in your niche to improve your promotion strategies. Learning about tools and tactics will also help you to increase profitability.

§ Build a Responsive List:

After picking a really hot online niche, this will be the most important thing you can ever do in order to generate real and easy money over the web.

You must build your list, but also build it with a purpose. You can’t build a list with all kinds of people interested in way different things at the same time. If your hot niche is on Social Marketing, then you should build your squeeze pages to give high quality information about social marketing.

Also, some very important advice is to segment that list. Try to put buyers on a different list. Don't mix everyone together. That’s the case if you are selling a product yourself. You can also segment all buyers as well, like with different purchase prices.

§ Spent Money on High Quality Stuff:

In most cases free stuff doesn’t work, unless it is some kind of a trial. Also, cheap stuff doesn’t work that great either. If you buy a product that is expensive, you will receive the value in its performance.

If you see that some traffic sources are expensive, it means you will get some great benefits from it, but you still need to know what you are doing, and do it right.

Things have a high price because they are of great value and bring you great results. But remember to not waste your time on all kinds of high quality stuff at the same time. Remember, you can’t use all of them together, so why buy them now? Just be wise.

Most online marketers work hard to promote their products instead of grabbing the audience's attention to hold on to them with their brands. The key to success lies in attracting the customer’s interest level.

Remember sales can’t be effected by compulsion. Capture your visitor’s attention by offering them informative and helpful content. You can write eye catching titles, but include the keywords in the titles to make your audience aware of what they are reading.

Keep your promises and provide valuable content to hold your customers. You can communicate with your customers on a daily basis and you need to focus on your niche and topic. Research what is “HOT” in your niche and update the content to engage visitors.

§ Run an Affiliate Program:

You can run an affiliate marketing program, this is one of the best programs to make money online. With affiliate marketing, the workload is shared between affiliates and advertisers. You can generate a good income without having a shopping cart.

You can get benefited by other’s success and its initial cost is lower than other online marketing media.

You can also become a publisher, the only thing you have to do is to find a profitable niche and audience to start your online marketing campaign. You can become an Amazon affiliate, digital services and goods affiliate to promote the product and earn money.

Forums are one of the best way to establish your brand with lifelong connections. You can join various forums within your niche and solve the problems of audiences. This way, you can boost up the trustworthiness in your website visitors.

Forums will help you to build relationships and increase awareness of your brand if you post in a consistent and effective manner. You need to be engaging, helpful, and active, to add value to your brand. You can lift up your traffic and increase sales, leads and conversions with forums.

§ Make Your Product Valuable:

Make efforts to make the product in demand for your website visitors. You can offer a free trial to test your products, discounts, money back guarantees, etc. If your customers find your product valuable, this will increase the chances that they will buy from you.

You can educate your customers and visitors about the product, so they will not face difficulties after purchasing the product and this will also add a positive impact on visitors purchasing decisions.

Showing too many benefits to visitors can act as a distraction and ultimately, take their interest away. It is better to find out their needs and satisfy them. This would facilitate an increase in awareness levels, and consequently higher profits.

§ Have a close look for potential businesses:

You are already running an online business and have free time, so you can add one more business with your current one. You need to look for the businesses in

which you are interested and have the right potential in order to be a successful internet marketer.

Be passionate about your online business, you can also opt for joint ventures to get traffic for your new launch. You can also promote other products as an affiliate of the advertiser.

Also, keep in mind that diversification is not always beneficial for your business. Make a proper analysis before venturing out in a new business.

§ Optimize website for conversion:

Optimizing your site can increase your website traffic and sales. By effective optimization, chances of success are highly increased. Do research and optimize your website sales pages, images, links, content, keywords and ad copies, etc.

It also boosts your user’s integration, engagement, brand awareness and connectivity. You can enhance search engine rankings to stand out from the crowd. And if you organically optimize your website, you will get balanced traffic and be able to save money and other utilities.

§ Joint Venture:

As an internet marketer, you can join hands with Joint Ventures to empower your long-term relationships or to merge short-term projects. A joint Venture campaign helps you expand your brand and get fresh leads.

You can work with top advertisers to pitch your products to their audience. This will increase your customer base, traffic, conversion rate and you'll also get a commission when a sale happens. Also, you can promote others’ products to get more from your campaign.

Chapter VI: Shocking Internet Marketing Case Studies

Internet Marketing helps businesses and online marketers to achieve their desired result. Here are some case studies that show you how the companies and marketers achieve huge success with internet marketing.

§ clip_image082[4]Mitsubishi Motors


Mitsubishi Motors is a multinational automotive manufacturer and known for building inventive and highly efficient cars. Mitsubishi was finding it difficult to grab the attention of young customers, so it got help from Icrossing Agency to refine their online

To build a world-class online experience, the company started redesigning from the ground level. Iagnecy gave them a bold and responsive look, so that it worked great with computers, smartphones and tablets. Iagency optimized the website performance across all the phases.

The company made use of “build and price tool” for new and existing customers to configure their dream Mitsubishi and also to provide an opportunity for the brand to engage with its customers on social media.

Mitsubishi has surpassed its ranking by 12 positions, saw a record boost of 57% in sales and a 6% average increase in the rest of the industry.

§ clip_image084[4]L-com Global Connectivity

L-com Global Connectivity, is a pioneer manufacturer of wireless and wired

connectivity products. The company's products include copper and fiber cables,

wireless amplifiers and antenna, coaxial cable, and computer networking applications.

Even after spending a considerable amount on advertising, L-com was unable to get expected results. In simpler terms, when they invested $1 on advertisement, they were only getting a single dollar in revenue.

L-com got help from Ko-marketing Associates for their marketing strategies. They used product centric keyword strategies, remarketing, minimized the steps for checkout process, and displayed network audits for automatic placement which saved 80% of their display budget.

L-com saw a considerable improvement and their return of investment climbed from 300% to 500%.

§ clip_image086[4]Lynton Web Solutions

Lynton Web Solutions is a full service marketing and technology company based in Houston. The objective of the company was to build collaborative relationships with their clients to deliver the best ROI.

The Lynton Web Team became educated

about HubSpot software and inbound marketing methodology to target their customers, and how to create long–lasting relationships with their clients.

completing the 2 years with HubSpot.

The company traffic was increased by 407%, blog reach was expanded by 537% and leads grew 1033% after


Daniel Lynton, CEO of Lynton Web Solutions said, “I would say our most qualified leads come from the service marketplace. Since they’re already a HubSpot customer, they’re an educated customer, so our common ground provides this level of trust to immediately dive into deeper discussions.”

§ Zooma

Zooma is an online marketing and communication service agency based in Sweden. The goal of Zooma was to know their return of investment, to find out if they were growing their leads database and wanted to modernize the Zooma brand to develop their working techniques.

The company became a partner of HubSpot and it helped to measure Zomma’s marketing efforts in a structured way. HubSpot also assisted them with marketing tools to manage inconvenient approaches of online marketing.

As a result, Zooma saw a boost in passion and request for inbound marketing, the number of deployed HubSpot portals were increased by over 1300% and there was an increase of 1628% in HubSpot monthly recurring revenue.

§ John Moore

John Moore is a trusted and Houston based complete home service provider. The tagline “Call John & Get Moore!” is both a motivated and valued

clip_image091[4]proposition. The company wanted to initiate a powerful online presence so it hooked up with Lynton Web Services.

Lynton Web Service modernized the company’s website and used Landing Pages, Advance content, Email campaigns, Social media campaigns, PPC campaigns and other strategies to focus on lead capturing and to help John Moore’s customers.

It enabled John Moore to provide increased service levels on the basis of a customer’s feedback. Lynton used “Attract, Convert, Close and Delight” methodology and achieved great outcome. Social media visits increased by 460%, website visits improved 214% and achieved a 600% Return on Investment.

§ Velaro

Velaro is a software company that assists big and small companies with live help which includes click to chat, click to call and co-browsing software. The company was looking for the right audience to attract and unsatisfied with the current look and functionality of their website.

The company collaborated with the WebMechanix team to market their services online. They used Ad Planner and social media monitoring tools, optimized for conversions, content marketing, SEO, PPC campaign and others to achieve Velaro's desired results.

Velaro's website became an “easy-to-convert” website with amazing results, Cost per lead was decreased by 77%, and their live chat engagement conversion was increased by 35%. Advertising with paid media achieved a 0.5% click through rate on the placements and an average of 25% of those clicks turned into leads.

§ clip_image093[4]HP Graphic Arts

HP is a leader in large format, commercial and industrial printers and presses. HP has more

than 25 years of experience in the industry’s widest product range.

The company wanted to increase traffic towards HP’s Graphic Arts portal website.

HP Graphic Arts networked with Ko-marketing Associates to promote its website. They utilized link building to acquire high-value links to the site, Google Webmaster Tools to observe Google’s crawl of the website, URL structure and ongoing recommendations to enhance website optimization and boost growth of Website traffic.

In 12-months, search engine traffic was increased by 300%, search referral grew from 6.3% to 16.5% and search engine imprint expanded from 190,000 pages indexed to 512,000 pages.

§ clip_image095[4]NetFlights

NetFlights is a pioneer internet based Travel Company that provides services for flights, hotels, holidays and car for hire. The goal of NetFlights was to maximize the return on investment, their search results and social activities to increase their traffic.

The company collaborated with Ambergreen to address these issues, they utilized paid and organic search media such as a PPC campaign for cross channel


insights and a search engine marketing campaign. They also worked on brand awareness, customer engagement and conversions to get to the desired result.

The outcome was amazing. There was a 49X YOY increase in traffic, 90% of family traffic was from new visits and online family bookings increased 47% YOY. The campaign achieved the page 1 position within 3 months.

§ Sinclair

Sinclair HVAC and Plumbing is a family owned and operated company that has been serving their community since 1979.

Earlier, they used to spend $5-7k per month on yell ow page advertising alone. Using this strategy they maintained a steady business.

So, Daniel Sinclair decided to update the marketing mentality plus the strategy of the company

It generated revenue of $50k from 1 CTA. The conversion rate on top performing landing pages was 25%. The web traffic increased 4X over. Starting with HubSpot, daily visits to Sinclair's website increased 400%.

It went from having no social media reach three years ago, to a current reach of 1,678 with an average monthly growth rate of 2.7%.

§ Bell Performance

Bell Performance is a producer of fuel additives and treatments for consumers and businesses.

Since they did not have a website, they were not able to get their leads online. They got help from HubSpot and developed a good marketing plan.

Bell needed a digital strategy that would increase their brand awareness and customers, too.

By searching SEO tools like keywords, Erik came to know more about his targeted customers. As a result, 600 new online customers were gained in the 1st year. Customers increased 80% in the 2nd year and leads per month were increased by 14x in 2 years.


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