Viral Ebook Riches.


Viral Ebook Riches

Explode Your Income With Viral Ebooks

Brought to you by Mark Austin

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What is it all about?

In this guide you are going to learn the secrets to generating huge amounts of traffic to your website, and building a list you would not have thought possible. Honestly I am holding nothing back in this report, and I know you have heard this before, but you just hit the jack-pot!

Let us be clear. The reason you want this book is because you probably have a website, and possibly you are even building a list. However, you are not getting the results you thought you would. I know the feeling, and I have been there myself. Everybody tells you it’s a walk in the park to build a huge list and make money online, but if you have tried it I am sure you have discovered it’s not as easy as all that.

In fact, building a proper online business can be downright hard! The problem is that the vast majority of online courses and books are written by people who simply have no clue about what they are’s the blind leading the blind. In this guide you are going to learn how to do it right, and by someone who has actually done it themselves.

If I say it works, it’s because I have tested it and know it works!!

The method I am going to teach you involves using simple little ebooks that you can either write yourself, or use PLR/MRR ebooks. Then you take that ebooks and you give them away, and this can make you money. Don't worry all will be explained by the end of the book. Like I said, I am not another guru feeding you a happy little story that only works in theory, I am going to tell you how to go about making this work for you...warts-an-all!!

There will be some work involved and I am not going to lie to you. Any business worth owning is going to take effort to get started. The difference between this business and most others is that we are going the viral route. This means that once we do the hard work of setting everything up, it keeps on selling itself for years to come.

An Overview Of The System

And A Little Motivation

In case you are wondering why you should follow the advice I give in this book, I shall give you a brief summary of the advantages of this method, and an overview.

First of all you should understand there are two main factors involved. The primary purpose of this ebook is to teach you to build a big email list fast, using methods that I know work as I have done them myself. The secondary purpose is to receive affiliate commissions from the products you will link to in your viral PDF, because while these are only short term bonuses, they still help.

Obviously your primary purposes is to build that email list using your viral PDF, because most internet marketers agree that the average income generated form a subscriber to your auto-responder list is in the region of $1 per month. While this doesn't sound like a lot of money you have to consider that it is relatively easy to big a list of a few thousand subscribers using viral PDF's, and 2000 subscribers X $1 = $2000 a month income, for just updating your auto-responder messages occasionally.

First step: Rebrand, write, or hire someone to write you an ebook that has your affiliate links inside. This is going to be your bait to get subscribers, and a great way to make a good first impression.

Second step: Set up your website hosting and domain name, as this will be where you will store your website information and ebook.

Third step: Set up your auto-responder and follow up messages. Be sure to make your “thanks for confirming” email include the download link to your ebook.

Forth step: Build a webpage that you can use to offer your free ebook for download. This will also be where you put your subscription form to collect your email list.

Fifth step: Promote your website to get your sign ups. This is an ongoing task, but once you start to make money you can easily pay to have this run on autopilot.

Sixth step: There are some amazing extra steps you can take to really boost your list building activity, and you will learn these later in the guide.

In the following chapters of this book you will learn exactly how to complete the steps outlined above, and provided you follow those steps, it will work for you. However, if you try to skip steps that you believe to be unimportant then your results will differ from mine, and you will not receive the results you want.

Hopefully after following these steps people will be reading your ebook, and then sharing it. It is when people start sharing it between themselves that things can really take off for you, but the only way to make that happen is if you can get them interested in the first place. Do not worry about making your ebook go viral, as it is a nightmare stopping a good ebook spread across the net. The hard bit is getting it out there until it reaches a sort of critical mass and takes off on its own. And what do you do when it does start spreading by itself? You make another one of course!

Starting Your Viral PDF

The Written Word

There are two ways of creating a viral PDF, you can either write your own or buy one. Whichever way you do it, you need to ensure that you have a plan to make it go viral. This chapter should set you on the right course.

Writing An Ebook

If you decide to write your own ebook then I suggest you plan your chapter list first. Be aware that you are not trying to write a full size ebook, as this is just to capture the interest of your readers. Just like in a basic lead capture ebook, you need to write a short 5000 word ebook that actually delivers real value to your readers.

To write your chapter list I suggest you write out a list of the things you have that could help people, then use these as chapters. Writing is something of an acquired skill, but with practice anyone can do it. After your chapter list is complete you just need to write 500-1000 word chapters teaching those specific tips and tricks, and this is much easier to do than just sitting down to write a book without a plan. Once your ebook is finished I recommend you either create some great graphics your readers, or hire a graphic design to do it for you.

I suggest you include links in your ebook to your website, and include affiliate links to anything useful that your reader will be interested in purchasing. This will allow your reader to easily find the products they need, and it gets you an affiliate commission. However, you need to review the products you are going to include links for, as you do not want your reader to be resentful.

Don't forget that you will want your readers to buy things from you in the future, so you need to give them advice or tips that will help them enough to trust and respect you. This is an often forgotten tip, but if you start out by giving your readers crap, you can forget them buying anything from you in the future.

Now you know how to write a book you are probably thinking “Yes but I am not a writer, and hey, I don't want to be.” Don't worry its fine if you don't want to write your own ebook, as there are other ways to do this.

Using A PLR Ebook

One easy way to get out of having to write your own ebook is to buy a PLR ebook, as they come with rights that allow you to change the contents and resell them. This means if you can find a PLR ebook that can really help people, all you need to do is edit it in any way you think makes it better, and add affiliate links to products that the person reading the ebook will be interested in.

For instance if you give-away a free PLR ebook about pregnancy, you could include affiliate links to products that you know the reader will be interested in. Let’s look at an example: A person downloads your free ebook on pet food, and while reading the PLR guide they understand what sort of food they should be feeding their pet, so are glad that you provide a helpful link for you to buy the product from Amazon. As you can see this is a great way to get people to not only understand what it is they need to do, but at the same time to make a commission on the product you have shown them. If you have a website in the same niche as the ebook, you can put links inside the ebook that link to your website. If you tell people they can share the ebook they will happily pass it around, and each time they do they help to get more people to your website.

Re-brandable Ebooks

A re-brandable ebook is an ebook that has been written to be usable with an ebook re-brander. An ebook re-brander is designed to go through an ebook and change predetermined links to affiliates links with the new owners affiliate code. This means that you can get a re-brandable ebook, insert your own links into the re-brander and it will change the links within the ebook. Now you can give away an ebook you did not write, and anytime a reader buys something out of the ebook you get the commission.

Later in this guide I will show you how to find people hungry for your

ebook, and because they are interested in the subject matter you can be sure

that any relevant links will be clicked. Just make sure the links you are using are relevant, because if someone downloads an ebook about parrots, they may want parrot care links but shall not want dog care links. Make sure the ebook targets your customer and then everybody benefits from your actions.

Alternatively you could get an ebook re-brander that will allow you to write your own ebook, and then give away copies to others for re-branding. A popular reason for this is that the writer has a website they want to promote, and thus they create a re-brandable link to their affiliate program. Another reason could be just to build a list by offering a really valuable free gift.

As to your method of creating your ebook to give away, that is really up to you. However, I do recommend you think about the rights that come with your ebook.

Your Copyright Information

Once you have your ebook ready you need to make sure that you give your ebook away completely free, and the method will be described later in this guide. However, you should be sure that you make your copyright notice inform readers that they are free to give your ebook away, as the more people that have it the further your affiliate links will spread. Don't forget that everyone who owns a copy of your ebook however they got it, they are going to be looking at a link to your website, and all your affiliate links.

This is one of the reasons that sometimes it is actually unhelpful to fight away internet piracy, because if they take your ebook and spread it to thousands of people, you are going to make a lot of money from the affiliate commissions. For those who already understand about lead capture may be worried that this may build affiliate commission, but will surely lower the amount of people coming to your website and signing up to your list. Let me assure you this need not be a problem, as you simply add a section to the end of the ebook that informs readers that you will be updating the ebook regularly as new information becomes available, so if they want the latest version or your latest book for free download from your sign up page. If you did not understand the last paragraph you should not worry as I will walk you through the lead capture process later in the guide, but for now I wanted to

set the advanced readers mind at ease.

clip_image011If you are going to write the ebook yourself I recommend the free software Open Office, as it is not only free be it has all the features you would expect from an expensive word-processors, and even has the ability to export the finished ebook as a PDF. You will need to be able to turn your finished work into a

PDF as this the industry standard ebook, readable on all computers and nearly all ebook readers. Another great software for creating professional looking

ebooks is ewriterpro, as it really is a one stop solution.

If you have written the ebook yourself and what to make it into a viral ebook the easy way, then I recommend you look at Viral PDF Generator, as they have some really great free information, and even a very useful software application.

Viral PDF Generator is a unique tool that helps to host the pdf file on their server. This great new technology converts the viral pdf in few clicks with your affiliate links. If you plan to use this tool you don't even need a webhost to distribute your viral pdf file.

Setting Up Your Website Hosting

Your Place On The Internet

clip_image013To do anything online you are going to need a hosting account, and domain name. I have tried various companies and compared the advantages and disadvantages and recommend you use Hostgator, for your hosting because they offer the best functionality and customer support for the price you pay. I personally use this

hosting service for more than 10 years and I never seen a downtime unless there is a pre informed server maintenance.

Hostgator sell hosting, and Godaddy sell domain names and you will need both. A domain name is like the phone number for your hosting account, and your hosting is your space on their computer where you keep your website files and where you store your ebook for downloading.

You will not need a large amount of storage space initially, so don't go mad and get a reseller account unless you need it. I recommend the “Baby plan” as that allows you to add as many domain names as you want to the hosting account. This means later on you can make other websites without having to purchase additional hosting, and this usually proves a huge saving in the long run. The “Baby plan” comes in at a little under $8 a month, and if you think about it, if you won’t invest $8 a month on your business you may as well give up now!

Once you have your hosting log in details you will need to get a domain to make it usable. Go to Godaddy and buy a domain name that sounds catchy as you want people to remember it. Once you have your domain name then you will need to set the name servers to point at your hosting account, and the nameserver information can be found in your Hostgator cpanel. Once all this is complete you will have a domain name that points at your hosting

account, and this is where you upload your zipped ebook file, and your website files.

To build your website you have several options, and don't worry you do not need to be a professional website designer to have a professional looking website.

Your first option is to use Hostgator's Site Builder, and you will be given the option to do this when you set up your hosting with them. Site Builder is easy to use and comes with full instruction, so I shall not repeat it here. However, the short description is that they use a template system, so you just choose a website template that you like the look of and change the text as required. They also give you the ability to drop bits of code into the website, and this works well for your auto-responder code.

Another option is of course to build the website from scratch, and if you have the know-how I am sure this will be the cheapest option. Unfortunately most people cannot make their own websites, and if you don't like the look of Site Builder then I recommend you look for a coder that you can hire. These can be found on most freelancing websites like or but the downside to this option is the price, and it can get very expensive.

Setting Up Your Auto-responder

Your Long-Term Business

The main purpose of making your ebook go viral is that you want to build a big list with it. Your auto-responder list can make you a lot of money, so make sure you get this step correct, and do not skip it.

clip_image015The auto-responder company I recommend is Aweber, because they are by far the biggest company, they work out the cheapest when your list start to grow large.

Another very large advantage they have over their competition is that they make it easy to set everything up, and this is a major

factor when getting everything going. Inside Aweber they have all the information you require to use their service, and even some instructional videos.

Before setting up your auto responder I recommend you upload your ebook in a zipped format to your hosting account, as you will need to have the address where it can be downloaded. It is best to have an unusual file name, as if you just make it the title of the ebook because otherwise pirates will easily find it. Obviously if you are not bothered by this it doesn't matter, but it depends on your business plan.

Sign up for your Aweber account and make a list then create a sign up form, and you will find full instruction inside Aweber. Once you have done this you will need to go to your “Thanks for signing up” message and edit it. You should tell them that you will be giving them some great tips to help with whatever their problem was, and that they can download your ebook by right clicking and selecting “Save target as” on your link. The link will just be your domain name/ your ebook zip file name.

Once you have that done you need to put the sign up form on your website, and this is quite easy. Copy the Java code that they give you and just past it into Site Builder in an HTML box. This will have your sign up form on the page, and if you use the Java code then when you update your Aweber sign up form, it will also update on your website automatically.

Once you have your sign-up form working on your website, and your “Thanks for signing up” email giving the new subscriber the download link, you need to get your follow up messages written.

Writing your follow up messages is one of the most important parts of setting up your auto-responder, because once your new subscriber joins your list they will automatically receive your message series at the intervals you predetermine. Your follow up messages are your means of building a relationship and marketing to your new subscriber automatically, and therefore are the difference between a good conversion rate, and a poor one. My advice is to only make one in five follow up messages a promotional one, and the others should be pure good information for your readers. I recommend that even when you do recommend a product using an affiliate link you don't make it a hard sale. Just show the subscriber a way that they can use the product/ebook to help with their problems, and then let the product sell itself.

You should schedule your follow-up messages to arrive consecutively every other day. This way you won’t irritate them by filling their inbox up too quickly, and at the same time you will not have too few emails to be effective.

Once your follow-up messages are written then you need to work on getting people onto your list, as this will be all that is needed for your automated sales machine to go to work on them.

Promoting Your Sign-up Page

Traffic Generation

Obviously you now need people to arrive at your sign-up page and download your ebook, because otherwise you won’t get the subscribers, and subsequently the profit. Luckily for you, I have a brief master class in traffic generation for you below. The methods that follow all work and will generate visitors provided you stick with them. One of the main problems with traffic generation is that the effects of your work can often not start to be seen until up to a month has past, and often by this time you have given up thinking it is not working. With traffic generation, persistence is the key to success

Article Marketing

The first method I recommend for driving people to your sign up page is article marketing. The reason I advise you start with article marketing is that it will quickly get your website indexed in the search engine, and people will read your articles and if they are interested click through to your website.

I will concentrate on Ezinearticles as this is the article directory that has the most viewers, and consistently provides the best results for me. If you do not know what an article directory is, it is basically a website where people can join up and submit articles to the directory, and once approved will be shown on the website. Readers find the article through the normal search engines and after reading the articles they either continue their search for information by clicking your link, or other means.

Ezinearticles in easy to join, and you will see the “Sign-up” link in the top right corner. The correct length for an article is roughly 350 words, and your article need to have a catchy title as this is what entices readers to choose your article. Articles can be written about anything, but if you want to get sign-ups you need to stick to topics where the reader will be likely to want to find your website. Make sure your article is not a sales letter as the article directory will not approve that. Just help the reader, and then in the resource box at the end advise them to visit your website to find out more useful information, and get the free ebook. Once you have your first article written,

just add it to Ezinearticles and get working on your next one, as the more you produce in a week, the more visitors you will get.

Stumble Upon Advertising

You may or may not know that Stumble Upon is a very popular social bookmarking website, that has a huge following and user base. Unlike many other social bookmarking websites StumbleUpon has a big community that has built up within it, and if they decide they like your website you can easily end up with a huge amount of free website traffic with very little effort.

clip_image017To start with StumbleUpons Advertising Platform is the way to go. Normally what happens is people vote on whether they like websites that they see on StumbleUpon, and based on the score that is how often your website is shown. As nobody has seen your website yet they won’t have voted for it, so the

way to get it in front of people is to pay for views, and as it is targeted by demographics and very cheap this works out as a great deal.

I recommend you try a small advertising campaign to start with and test its effectiveness. StumbleUpon works better for some campaigns than others, and the main thing that will hold you back is if you try and sell something on the website. Stumblers love free stuff, and seem to recent being sold thing in StumbleUpon. Play by the rules and you will get plenty of “Votes” and you will not even need to pay for the views in the future.

To start with I recommend you concentrate on these two forms of traffic generation, as alone they can very good. However, if you are looking for more tips then check out this Traffic Generation Course.

Advanced Promotion Techniques

The Secret Sauce

While the above mentioned traffic generation techniques are highly effective, there is even more that can be done.

One way of increasing your sign-ups is by taking the first third of your ebook and posting it on document sharing websites. At the end of the excerpt have “Click here to download the full ebook – Totally free!!” and make this a link to your sign-up page. Not many people realize how many visitors the document sharing websites receive, or what they can do for your website.

Here are some of the documents sharing websites that I recommend, and don't forget that when you are doing article marketing you can also post your articles on here as well.

While there are many other document sharing websites I have found these are the best.

Document sharing sites are getting excellent traffic. If you use this websites you can get decent amount of traffic for your pdf files. Always use your target keywords in the title and in the descriptions. These websites are high page rank sites and ranking very well for many keywords.

Other traffic resources those you shouldn’t miss.

1) Submit your ebook to ebook directories.

Here is the complete list of ebook directories. Some directories are free while some of them ask few dollars to list your ebook. Some ebook directories can send email to their list for additional dollars.

2) Participate in forums

Find out good forum in your niche and post some useful information for the forum members. Then post a link to your free ebook in your resource box or separate post. Please read & follow the forum rules otherwise you will be get banned. is great source to find out the forums relevant to your ebook. This websites has data of thousands popular forums.

3) Participate in Giveaway Events in your niche

There are tons of giveaways are being conducted every month in internet marketing niche. If your ebook is in some other niche you may not get that much of giveaway events. But you may try Googling

“your niche name”+”giveaway”. 4) Submit your ebook to software directorories

Convert your ebook to exe file and submit to software directories. There are some decent softwares can do this submissions for you. Some services also available to do this task for you.

5)Buy solo ads

Buying solo ads is a great way to get instant traffic to your ebooks. Google your niche and find out the good websites those have opt in box to collect email list. Subscribe to those lists and find out how much worth the newsletter is. If you are satisfied with the quality of the email sent by the webmaster/site owner, contact him and make a deal for him. You can give some dollars to send solo ad to his list with a link to your ebook. If you are clever enough try for a deal to send free solo ad with the exchange of ebook branded with the webmasters affiliate links. Some webmaster will love this deal and he will make good commissions and you will make good number of leads. Win Win for both of you.

If you are in internet marketing niche, to marketer Reed Floren has reviewed many solo ads he has used in the past. It is really very valuable data before you order for a solo ad. You can read the reviews here

6)Submit to Torrent Websites

Create torrent file for your ebook and submit to torrent sharing websites. Remember to use the keywords in your title and your will get good number of traffic.


Taking Action

I know it may seem that I have given you a lot to do, but it really is all small easy steps and an offline business would certainly require more work for less effort. I really cannot stress enough the importance of you actually taking action with what I have shown you, because like I have stated before, this really does work.

There is however one thing that can completely derail your plans, and totally stop your progress. Yes you guessed it, it’s you! If following reading this guide you just site back and do nothing different than you already are, do you really think anything is going to change? The real secret to success is taking action, and making your future success not a case of “if” but “when”. The plan you have been given is very cheap to implement, and really quite simple. Where I have not walked you through every step you will find the websites I link to already have full instruction, so you have no excuse for not taking action.

My advice is that you make yourself a schedule. It is easy to slowly put things off, and many suffer from what I call “Tomorrow syndrome”. This is my way of describing the impulse to say that you will get around to it tomorrow, but the truth is tomorrow never comes. Make yourself a schedule and stick to it, as this is the only way to monitor your progress, and don't allow failure to be an option.

Good luck with your endeavors, and I hope you follow through on what you have leaned. I want to see you do well, and when you do maybe you can send me a testimonial. You see, I really do need you to succeed, as there is nothing worse than being unable to help someone help themselves.

If you check in the bonus chapter at the end you are going to find something that will cut out a lot of the hard work at the start, so scroll down!


Dr.Eswara Ramanan

Recommended Resources

Recommended Reading:

Discover A Simple Formula for Using Viral Ebooks to Get

Free Advertising For Any Site or List You Choose!

Desktop tool to Create Viral PDF:

Free video Reveals The secrets To Making $108,040 per year giving away high quality PDF Reports.

Recommended Hosting for your website

Recommended AutoResponder


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