Lead Generation System.

clip_image016Lead Generation System

How to ‘Pull’ Leads to you so that you never have to Cold Call Again


What Gets Measured Gets Done’

The complete Lead Generation System is in fact a series of systems, all of which should be working at the same time.

Here’s how it works:

The Pull Methods

Cold Calling is a ‘push’ method of m arketing. You interrupt someone’s day by calling them on the phone and pushing your message at them. It’s explained in full in ‘Finding New Business’

The IDEA behind the pull method is that you offer each suspect a piece of vital information, which they can have for free -- if they just call you and ask for it.

Let’s now look at some ‘pull’ methods -- where you send them a message -- which invites

them to call you.

Those that do call you become immediate prospects. Those that don’t ….. who cares? You make this offer in all sorts of ways, through all sorts of media.

But you have a basic message, which you recycle as a classified advert, flyer, postcard, voice message etc. etc.

Your basic message says: ‘Free report tells you how to XXXX’. Call me and I will send you your copy IMMEDIATELY’.

You add your contact details and wait for the calls to come in.

[In the case of people who you have been referred to, or you know their contact details … you send the report and then 48 hours later -- YOU call THEM].


Simple but not easy. Let’s first list the possible ways you can send out your initial message, then look at the message itself and some variations.

Then we’ll look in more detail at the methods you can use to put your message in front of the waiting world -- as quickly and cheaply as possible.

The whole system (or system of systems) is plotted and measured around a spreadsheet.

Your initial spreadsheet came as a separate file with this download. Please print it out now, and have it beside you as we go through the systems.

It looks like this:

On the spreadsheet, you have space for tracking your use of each of the tools during a five-day work week, which runs from Monday to Friday. You can change the days if you have a different work schedule.

Before you start using the Log for the first time, you must save the FNCActivity Log.xls file on your computer. This file will be your master copy of the Log

At the beginning of the week, open your master copy file, then rename it to: Week_One.xls. Next week, open the master copy again and rename it: Week_Two.xls.

Saving your weekly marketing logs as individual Excel .xls spreadsheets, each with its own

filename, will help you keep a record of what you did and when

Each time you use a tool, place an “x” in the box that corresponds to the day in which you used it. The Log will automatically sum the number of times you use each tool during a day, and during the week. It also tallies the total number of times that you used the 16

tools in the lower right hand corner of the spreadsheet.

TIP: You can comfortably fit five “x” marks into each tool’s daily count box. Once you get above five, you won’t be able to see all the marks. So, if you’ve been especially busy with one tool, perhaps sharing 10 business cards during the course of a day, simply enter the numeral 10 into the red “Total” box.

ANOTHER TIP: It’s not against the rules to use more than one marketing tool at a time. For example, if you offer a testimonial (Tool 8) in a message that you reproduce as a flyer (Tool

10) give yourself an “x” for the use of each tool!

You’ll enjoy giving yourself an “x” for each use of a marketing tool, and watching those daily and weekly totals rise. And I’ll bet those ever-increasing numbers will motivate you to do even more marketing, self-promotion and referral gathering.

Soon, you’ll have enough people calling YOU that you’ll never have to cold call again.


These are the heart of the system. You should have 5 or 6 special reports, plus a tip booklet, so that you can re-contact a prospect who has taken one of your reports

… and offer them ANOTHER one.

You will find a couple of free reports included with this download to get you started, but you should also prepare several of your own.

Once you have them, you use them as GIFTS or BRIBES to generate leads. You offer these reports to everyone …. and those who accept your offer become ‘prospects’.

Explanation of Terms Used

In this special report, you'll see that we often use the terms 'Suspect' 'Prospect' and

'Expect'. For our purposes:

You target a group of "SUSPECTS" to approach with your offer (because you suspect that they might need to advertise with you). You offer everyone in that target group an incentive to come forward – to identify themselves as interested in your product or service.

For example, you might offer them a free report, or advice on finding new business. Or you might just cold call them and ASK them if they're interested.

Those who take you up on your offer and request a report (or welcome your cold call) are your true "PROSPECTS". They're interested. They've responded to you.

Once you have sent your "prospects" their freebie (or information pack) you contact them again, and ask permission to keep in touch.

That’s the end of the ‘Finding’ process.

The next process is the Sales conversion process where you contact them again and again

-- with offers, news, advice and tantalizing titbits of information ….. so they ask you to explain your offer to them.

You also QUALIFY these prospects during the initial Sales Converstion Process -- to see if they are TRULY interested in advertising with you, and if they have any MONEY to spend with you. Anyone who passes your qualification is an "EXPECT". You can expect to do business with them.

You give your "expects" a sales talk.

First you find the people to sell, then you sell the people you find.

Producing ‘Special Reports’

A Special Report is a step by step list of guidelines produced by an expert (you) on the uses of XXX for the benefit of your ‘suspects’.

The purpose of a Special Report is to get as many ‘suspects’ as possible on a list or sub-list to raise their hands and say: ‘Please send me one. I’m interested.’

A report does this by promising to instruct the reader on how to achieve a certain objective, or to avoid a certain problem. A Special Report can be from 5 pages to fifty or sixty pages long in length.

Special reports are a quick way to establish yourself as the expert on solving the problem(s) described in the report.

clip_image017Nobody wants to buy XXX. Everybody wants the RESULTS that XXX brings

So your report should concentrate on the results which you achieve and the benefits which those results bring.

Special Reports give your suspects valuable beneficial information. It is a very giving process. Because you are the person providing this information you are seen to be generous. You will be "paid" back many times over with new clients/customers

Special Reports can be used in a number of excellent ways...

· For example, you can issue a press release highlighting the fact that the Special Report is available. Make special note of the best points and mention how people can get hold of the report.

· You can also use Special Reports as seminar handouts, additions to Media Kits or turn them into published articles, etc.

Once your Special Report is written, you can use it forever.

clip_image018You just need to update it every so often. Special Reports are timeless lead generation tools which can be used on list after list after list…. But

Somebody has to write them!

Here is a Proven 6 Stage Process to give to your sales manager and editor.

STAGE 1 - What specific subject are they going to write about?

clip_image019To decide on your subject matter for your Special Report ask yourself the following question:

What information relating to XXX would be useful for my suspects to read about?

Here are some examples of what you mightceate if you were selling ad space into a weekly magazine...

1. Finding New Business

2. Advertising Effectively

3. Introduction to Sales and Marketing

4. Frequency & Reach - why they’re important

5. Graphic design - designing an advert

6. What to put in a recruitment advert

Listen. It’s very easy to think of dozens of subject areas that your potential customers want to know about.

The key question to ask yourself when you're deciding on the subject matter is this:

"Would this information be helpful to someone in my target market who couldn't care less about me and who might not ever buy from me?"

If the answer is "yes" then you're heading in the right direction.

Having decided on your subject, you now need to move to the most important part of your Special Report...

STAGE 2 - Decide on the TITLE for your Special Report

The title of your report is the one thing that grabs your prospect's attention. It is exactly the same as a headline in a sales letter, advert, flier or broadcast fax.

If the reader dismisses your report title - -you won't get a response.

Your title can be the difference between success and failure -- it's that important.

STAGE 3 - Break your subject down into well defined sections

To make the task of writing your report less daunting, break it down into small sections. This makes it easier for your suspect to read and your editor to write.

If you give a writer a title and tell them to get on with it -- they’re clueless. But if you give them 20 headings and ask them to write 300 words on each … they can do that with a beer in one hand a laptop in the other.

STAGE 4 - Make sure it’s personal and conversational

Just like your sales letters, adverts and broadcast faxes, your report should be written how you talk, as well as being personal. Use "you," "your," and "I."

Only one person will be reading your report at any one time, so it's important they get the feeling you are talking to them on a one-to-one level.

STAGE 5 - Write the last paragraph yourself

Here's how to write the last paragraph...

clip_image020"Now that you know what's possible, you need someone with the expertise to put all the pieces together. Let us start working on your solution today. Call me on... and you can start to bring in more customers (or whatever) immediately."

STAGE 6 - Create the front sheet of your report

You must include the following details on the front of your report...

• The Special Report title

• Name, address, and contact details of your business

• Space to personalise the report to the person requesting the information

• Copyright notice. For example... © Mega Corporation Inc.

clip_image021Although you offer your Special Reports for free, you should put a price in the top right hand corner of the front page to add value to the report.

To be effective your Special Report must...

1. Be based on what your suspect wishes to achieve

2. Take into account why he or she wishes to achieve it

3. Consider the difficulties standing in the way of the suspect

4. Provide clear, factual and up to date information

5. Offer valuable information that's immediately useful

6. Be complete and thorough. Don't be frightened about giving too much information away. If you are not sure about how much information to give away -- give more rather than less.

Using your Special Report for lead generation

Your number one objective is to get the suspect to respond. All you want them to do is send for your Special Report. Make it as easy as possible for them to do this.

Once they respond, you ask for their permission to contact them again with more helpful information.

You do this with the letter you include when you send the special report. You can put in that letter something like:

‘If I find any new information that might be helpful, I’ll send that straight to you as well. If for any reason you don’t want me to contact you again, please let my office know. If I don’t hear from you, and I get some more data which I believe will benefit you, I’ll send it along.’

Once someone has agreed to accept more information from you, they change from a

suspecton a list to a ‘prospect’ -- and you make out a Prospect Record Card for them.

You then begin a new process …. the Sales Conversion System, which consists of making a number of further contacts with your prospect and then giving them a sales talk.


Tool #1: Request/give referrals. Which of your clients were happy with the results of their purchase??

How many referrals have you asked for from each of these clients today?

Likewise, referring business to other people can also bring referrals back to you.

Either way, you get an “x ”

We showed how to ask for a referral in the companion e-book ‘Finding New Business’. However, no matter how well you position it, some people are reluctant to give you names. To overcome this, you ask for permission to send a friend of theirs a ‘gift’.

Why? Because it’s better to offer to ‘help’ by sending a ‘gift’ to the person whose name

you are gathering.

You send them a ‘Special Report’.

Ask them to let you know if any of their associates would like to receive a

FREE Report on solving the problem XXX

filled with tips on buying ad space. Or a

FREE YYY evaluation tool.

Or a

FREE tip booklet (like the one which is included as a part of this package). Or a

FREE special report

(there are four in this package which you can edit, print out, and give away to ‘suspects’ as lead generators).

Now your clients aren't being asked to recommend a potentially disastrous product or service from you ….


Instead they are simply providing their friends with a valuable resource, that comes free, without obligation and without pressure.

Between the two types of referrals, which do you think your clients will be more willing to provide?

With this referral method you have removed all of the concerns and obstacles between your client and his associates, and opened the doors to unlimited opportunities for conver ting those referred prospects into future customers.

You can get names from the most suspicious of clients -- and go back and ask for more names again, and again. You’re doing everybody a FAVOUR.

Your present clients provide you with lists of ‘suspects’ … some of which your Free Tools turn into ‘prospects’ …. then into ‘expects’ who buy from you.

…. And those new clients then give you a NEW list of ‘suspects’ to whom you can send your lead generating reports and tip booklets ……

So that you create a never-ending supply of sales leads to follow and never have to cold call again for as long as you live.

Note: The Quality of these referrals is not as good as those which you get from the ‘classic’ referral method.

But you can gather these referrals with a quick phone call or even a letter. (You’ll get a much poorer response to a letter, but you’ll get NO response to a letter which asks for a ‘standard’ referral).

By sending reports, you can ask for 5 names, instead of one or two.

A fortnight later, you can go back and tell the person who gave you the referral:

· How well the ‘referree’ liked the report and your help.

· Ask for another 5 names.

After a while, some of those whom you first contacted by sending them a report will go through your Sales Conversion System and book some business with you. You will then ask THESE people for 5 names.

clip_image023If THEY went through your process: read report/speak to you/buy from you …. then they MUST be comfortable with the process, right?


So they will be HAPPY to let their business contacts benefit by going through the same (painless) process which they went through.

Now you have a SYSTEM. If you ask everyone for 5 names, and 2 out of 5 say ‘Yes’, then you have a continual pipeline of new names.

But begin by asking for 5 names who you can HELP with a free ‘GIFT’ (your valuable report).

Tool #2: Sales Letters. One x for every 10 letters

These prospecting letters together count as one click on your marketing activity log, because they go together.

Once you have your system set up, it’s easy to send out 20 copies of each letter each week. Over time, they will bring in a steady stream of new clients, to add to the clients who come in from other streams.

The first is the 'Who' letter. Next we'll look at the 'What' letter, and then the 'When, Why and Where' letter

The three letters work together, and are mailed one after the other -- one a week -- for three weeks. The third letter asks for an appointment, either in person, or a telephone meeting (set up with a date, a time, and a likely duration, just like any face-to-face meeting).

Three days after mailing the third letter you phone the client. That call counts as a ‘cold call’.

To test this idea, you should mail out the first of your prospecting letters to five, or ten, prospects per week. That will give you fifteen to thirty prospects to follow up with in three weeks.

Because you'll have to follow up these letters with a call, they'll give you something to do. Something to sink your teeth into—and it will help eliminate the intangibility of adspace sales.

What's more, when you make the call, these letters will give you something to talk about, a foundation to build from. They'll warm up your cold calls.

You see, by closely following the theme of these prospecting letters, you'll sound knowledgeable because you have something to say. They'll help you with the "um's", "ah's", and dead spaces we all fear.

Further, by following these "micro-scripts" you can LISTEN better. Because you have your words ready, you can concentrate better on what your client has to say.

Read this first letter, and then we'll re-write it.


Dear Ms. Adams,

"You don't spend all day worrying about XXX …. But we do!"

We can help you with XXX. Why?

Because we've been dedicated to helping our clients aggressively XXX last twenty two years. We know who spends their money -- when -- and on what products and services.

We have the data to help you accurately target the right group of people. What's more, we can consistently produce superior quality XXX just to make your job easier.

I'm writing you today to introduce our XXX plan. At Ace Weekly we have the most YYY within the metro area, and we're the only local company which ZZZ!

Over the next few weeks, I will be sending you additional information about the benefits XXX plan offers you.


David Ross

David Ross

P.S. To learn more immediately, visit our Web site at www.Megapubs.com or call me at 6378459 for further information.

You can see that this letter is very short and DOESN'T ask for anything. You are just beginning to show up on your client's radar.

Next week you'll home in a bit closer, and the week after that you WILL ask for something. For now, you're just a blip.

Now sit down and rewrite this letter to reflect YOUR circumstances. The PURPOSE of this letter is to get a response, not a sale. That's all you want.

Once someone responds, then you can start a dialogue with them, using all the tools described in this report.

Ask yourself these questions:

· What need does this prospect have that I can serve? (new business?)

· Which type of advert is best for this account?

· Why would you send for the report if you were this prospect?

If you offer TOO MUCH information in the hopes of getting a booking you'll CONFUSE the buyer, they'll lose interest and you won't get a response, much less the sale.

We'll give them some more information in the NEXT letter - the 'What' letter.


(Mailed seven days after the "Who Letter".)

Dear Ms. Adams

"All XXX works .… It's YYY that makes the difference!"

At Ace Weekly every single person, every piece of equipment -- especially our computerised database -- are designed to YYY.

And when you work with us, you needn’t worry about wasting money by ZZZ -- because we can YYY so that you get a cost effective RESULT.

Over the last twenty two years we've worried about XXX, studied and purchased the finest equipment available, and hired the best people possible so that we can deliver to you, while you can concentrate on delivering the promises you've made to YOUR customers.

The more you know about YYY, the better Ace Weekly looks. Call me on 6375289 to find out how our higher standard of delivering XXX can lower your costs of doing business.

Yours sincerely,

David Ross

David Ross

P.S. Visit our Web site at www.Megapubs.com or call me at 6375459 for further information.

You can see that this letter is AGAIN very short and DOESN'T ask for anything. We are showing up on your client's radar for the second time. They MIGHT just recognise your name from last week ....

Now sit down and rewrite this letter. The PURPOSE of this letter is a response, not a sale. That's all you want.


(Mailed seven days after the "What Letter".)

Dear Ms. Adams,

Have you ever heard the phrase "Winking in the dark"?

Because if you wink at someone in the dark, they can't see you -- so they fail to get your message.

Getting your XXX to as many of the right people as possible, as efficiently as possible …. is the most effective way to grow your business, isn’t it?

If you let us YYY for you and your business …. you will find ZZZ.

Because ….. Further, ….

And finally, we can …

If you're willing to risk TWELVE MINUTES of your time, I can show you several exciting ways that our proven company, quality YYY and GREAT ideas WILL find you new customers.

Which means to you that you'll find more new business easier, quicker and less expensively than ever before…..

I will call you Tuesday, October 9th, to set up a 12 minute appointment. Yours sincerely,

David Ross

David Ross

P.S. We have packaged several of our BEST ideas for finding new customers into two special 8 page reports.

If you'd like me to send you a free copy of these reports -- which we have previously sold for $27.00 each, please let me know when I call you, and I'll be happy to send you a copy at once.

This is the last of the lead generation letters.

If you send out 4 of these a day (plus 4 second letters and 4 first letters -- making 12 letters a day) within 3 weeks you'll have 60 new prospects in your 'lead generation' system.

60 people you can call on the phone and talk about XXX (you talk about the content of your special report)

Now you just need to find 4 NEW people each day and 'plug them in' to your system. And you'll always have 60 names in your lead generation pipeline. The letters will take no more than 15 minutes of your time at the end of each day (to catch the last post).

BUT. Your ATTITUDE will undergo a shift. You'll have to LOOK for 4 GOOD names every day. The better the quality of the names you pour into the front end of this system …. the more sales will come out of the back.

So you'll find that you begin to SEARCH for GOOD names wherever you are, and whatever you are doing: jotting down 6 names some days -- 2 names other days … but ALWAYS being ALERT for possible additions to your list.


Let's assume that after sending the third letter of our prospecting letters, you called your target and gave her a short sales talk, either in person, or over the phone

Now what? Now you send a FOLLOW-UP letter, of course.

And your follow-up letter repeats the points that you made in your call. It repeats the MAIN BENEFITS of booking some business with you.

Your letter will stay on file, long after you've spoken, and your words have faded from the (addled) mind of your client.

With any luck, your client will open a folder to keep your follow-up letter in.

She'll then use that folder to keep the faxes you begin sending her with marketing advice together your tip booklet.

[The tip booklet is a gift -- some bullet point s on selling -- which you can send to your client. There is a copy of it with this package]

Soon YOU will be the main contact in her XXX collection.

Then when she DOES -- finally -- decide to solve her XXX problem, WHO she gonna call? Right.

Listen closely. A lot of prospecting for new clients is MECHANICAL. It's a process. You can bang out a truckload of junk phone calls every day, or you can use the mail, faxes, postcards, newsletters AND phone calls to stay in touch.

But you must use SOMETHING. You MUST somehow get every one of the thousand clients on your 'maybe' list (your suspects) to think about you at least TWICE every month.

You SHOULD have at least 1,000 'suspects' on your master list. (Remember? Your master list is made up of your sub lists -- see the section in 'Finding New Business', the e-book which comes with this one). Then in any one week, you'll have ENOUGH suspects ready to talk serious bookings, so that you'll always have a stream of business coming your way.

And you won't need to cold call the Yellow Pages -- the sales person's Road to Hell

To recap:

First. You CHOOSE the people who you want to do business with you (probably by lifting their names from adverts in the Trade Press and broadcast media).

You write them the three prospecting letters. You call them.

You write them a follow-up letter (see below).

You write, fax, mail, or call them twice a month 'till the day they die ....

THAT'S a Prospecting SYSTEM! What possible reason can you give for not using it?

So what do you write in the follow-up letter? It depends on what happened in your call. There are only three possible outcomes to your call:

1. Your client agreed to take the next step in booking an advert with you. Send the Confirmation Letter.

2. Your client said "No!". Send the Inducement Letter.

3. Your client said they want "... to wait". Send the Waiting Letter. That's it.

You can find Letters for each occasion in the Prospecting Letters report which is part of this package -- beginning with: the Confirmation Letter.

Tool #3: Voice mail message. Voice mail messages are vital in today’s climate. You need to have a message you can leave on a suspects answer system that intrigues, entertains and invites them to send for your Special Report.

They also need to be freshened up periodically. If you left a compelling telephone voice mail message today, that’s an “x” for you!

The message which we leave is a variation of the elevator speech, together with the offer of a FREE Special Report.

Here is an example you might use if you were calling on the owner of a small department store, and you were selling marketing services:

"Mr. White, This is David Ross. You know how it's critical to get consumers INTO a store so that they can see what's on offer? If they don't come in -- they can't buy, can they?

“Well what I do is: find truckloads of the right consumers and bring them into stores, so that store owners like yourself can sell to them!


"Would you like me to find some for you? If it’s something which you might be interested in, please leave a message at my office and I will POST you a Special Report which shows just what I can do for you … and how I do it.

The number is 63 75459, and my assistant will mail you a report today. Thank you."

[Can you see how the parts of the package are coming together? You can find out how to compose YOUR compelling ‘elevator speech’ by reading the report ‘Elevator Speech’. It’s short and gives you what you need to know in 5 minutes.]

Tool #4: Broadcast Faxes. One x for every 10 faxes.

Tool #5: Promotional postcards. Postcards are an easy, affordable, and FUN way to get the word out about what you do. I recommend that you stay in touch with your market with a monthly card sent to your customers, prospects, and referral sources.

They can be preprinted in batches of 500 or 1,000 and you can get lists of names already printed onto labels. On Postcard Day, be sure to give yourself an “x” for every 20 postcards sent to existing customers, and an ‘x’ for every 5 postcards sent to NEW names!

Tool #6: “Thank You” cards. When was the last time you got a “Thank You” card from someone who spoke to you briefly -- as a chance encounter or at a meeting? Been awhile? Here’s an opportunity for you to make your business stand out. Start sending those “Thank You cards. Each one earns you an “x”!

clip_image025Outside Front

Outside Back

Inside Pages

Add this phrase under the signature …. By Referral Only

By Referral Only...means: We invest 100% of our time and energy to delivering first -class service to our clients. As a result, our valued clients, suppliers, and friends refer their family, friends and work associates to us for advice on XXX. We're interested in building strong life long relationships one person at a time.

You see, its not enough to send a thank you note. People need to know that you like and appreciate them. The phrase, in essence, answers the question, "What can you do for me in return for this nice thank you card?" Immediately, I had this phrase printed on the bottom of my thank you notes my referrals took off.

Tool #7: ‘Dew drops’. As in: “If you are in the area, do drop in”. This is showing up at the door in person. A physical cold call.

Your purpose is not to give a sales talk, just to offer to mail a Special Report. Would they like one?

If you can’t get to the decision maker, leave your business card, like the one below.

You get an X for every ‘do drop’ you perform …. whether they agree to take a Special Report or not.

This becomes a SYSTEM when you COMMIT yourself to doing 5 ‘do drops’ a day. You can do them on the way to work, or in your lunch break, or between calls.

Because you are offering a report, they are NOT hard-nosed cold calls. Once you can do 5 every day, try to do 10 -- 5 in the morning and 5 in the afternoon.

Tool #8: Request/give reviews and testimonials. Did you request a testimonial from a satisfied customer? Did you review someone’s new product? Testimonials and reviews are powerful tools, so it ’s time for another “x”!

Here is a letter you can send to everybody who has advertised with you, asking for a testimonial.

Again, this only becomes a SY STEM when you have a pre-recorded letter, into which you can drop the name of very advertiser, and send them out every time someone advertises.

Ms. Penny Adams Manager

XYZ Salon Anyplace, USA

Dear Penny,

I have a favour to ask of you.

I'm in the process of putting together a booklet of opinions -- a collection of comments about my services, from satisfied clients like yourself.

Would you please take a few minutes to give me your opinion of my advice and the results you got?

There's no need to dictate a letter -- just jot your comments on the back of this letter, sign below, and return to me in the enclosed envelope. (The second copy is for your files).

I look forward to learning what you like about my service ... but I also welcome any suggestions or criticisms, too.

Many thanks, Penny. Regards, David Ross


Signed Date

Note that he is asking for an "opinion" instead of a testimonial, and that he urges Penny to give him criticisms as well as positive comments. In this way, he’s not just asking for a favour, he’s getting feedback.

Tool #9: Membership benefits. Many companies offer programs where members can receive members-only discounts, free consultations, or special rates for designing an advert.

To be a ‘member’ all the customer has to do is be part of a group. It can be a group of plumbers, or lawyers, or a football team supporters club, or the Chamber of Commerce …. or anything.

The purpose of making up a ‘membership’ scheme is that it allows you to send all the ‘members’ a message (postcard, letter, fax) offering them a Special Report FREE ‘price to non-members $35’ (or some other price).

Be sure to tally that “x” whenever you offer your special benefit to a new group of members.

Offer this memo to a NEW ‘group’ of 20 or so members -- twice a month. It is set out below as a fax, but can be sent as a letter.

The important thing is to send out at least 40 a month. Once you have your fax set up properly, all you need to do is find a group with 20 fax numbers. Sending the fax to these numbers should take no more than 30 minutes a fortnight.

It is another SYSTEM. But like all these systems, it has to be set up and WORKED.

Fax Memo

clip_image021[1]Date: (Date you send the broadcast fax) From: (Your name and title goes here)

To: (The Group Of People You Are Targeting) Pages: 1

Re: HowTo(Biggest BenefitOfYour Free Report)

e Comments: DearFriend,

If youwant(biggestbenefitof yourFreeSpecial Reportgoeshere),thenIhavegoodnews..

Secret Formula

I'm goingtosharewithyoua'secret'formulafor(theresultof yourreportgoeshere.For example, one of myreports explainshow togrow asmallbusinesswithincreasedprofits).

clip_image027Notonlythat,I'm goingtoexplainhowyoucandoityourself,irrespectiveofyourpriorexpertiseor knowledge.

No More Frustration

Onething'sforcertain,you'reprobablyexperiencingoneormoreof thefolowingfrustrations..

1. (List the frustrations or problems people have that your service solves)

2. Next frustration goes here

Whatif Isaidtheseproblemscouldbeclearedupalmostovernight? Wouldyoubeinterested?I'm sureyou


FREE Special Report

Al theanswersareincludedinmyFREESpecialReporttitled,("Titleofyourreportgoeshere)."You'll



clip_image028Allyouhavetodois call us on(yourtelephonenumbergoeshereinbold), andwe'llrushyourFREE SpecialReporttoyouimmediately.

Sincerely, Your signature

Your name, and business title

clip_image029P.S. Get your FREE Report now - it could spell the end of (main frustration goes here). Call u s at (Your telephone number goes here)


on twolines

If you wish to have your fax number removed - please fax your request to (your fax number goers here)

Tool #10: Flyers and other printed collateral. Flyers, brochures, and posters are a colorful way to get the word out about your Special Report. Give yourself an “x” every time you share one!

Tool #11: Publicity in the media. Do you send a news release to your local paper? Write a letter to the editor? Or are you working the phones to get your business featured on radio or TV? Each “pitch to the media is worthy of an “x”!

Tool #12: Business card sharing/exchanging. It’s a good idea to have your business cards with you wherever you go. It doesn’t matter whether other people are carrying their cards or not. Your job is to give away as many cards as possible. On the back of each card you write the name of your special report and offer to send it if the person you give the card to gets in touch. Give yourself an “x” every time you pass out one of your cards.

Tool #13: Workshop previews. If you offer live workshops on how to use XXX effectively (and you should run at least one workshop per month) get yourself videoed with a camcorder, and burn a small section of your workshop to DVD.

You’re not looking for a Hollywood production here, it’s you and the information which is important. Hand the ‘preview’ DVD out to likely suspects to attend your workshop.

If people like the preview, chances are good that they’ll sign up for the full version of your workshop. Each preview presentation earns you an “x.

Tool #14: Sponsorship of events and door prizes. Sponsoring or co-sponsoring an event is a powerful way to get your name in front of a lot of influential people. And it’s more affordable than you may think!

You offer a BUNDLE of three or more reports (each with a price on the cover).

You can also get low-cost, high impact exposure by offering door prizes at business meetings, conferences, and seminars. Definitely worthy of an “x”!

Tool #15: Advertising specialties. Do you pass out tee shirts with your business logo on them? Stickers? Pens? Pencils?

You may need to get your sales manager involved here.

Go to your local specialty advertising company (you can find them in the Yellow Pages or on the internet by googling them) and offer to ‘comp’ them. They give you so many items with your logo on … you give them XXX (or whatever).

Give yourself an “x” for each ad specialty item you share.

Tool #16: Wearing/Carrying a “grabber” in public. Do you carry a distinctive bag with your logo on it? Or wear a tie made out of chain mail? Or carry a large toy rabbit -- or anything which grabs people’s attention when you are in public … so that they approach you to ask about your ‘grabber’ or make a comment.

Any one who does approach you -- you give them your business card with the offer of a Special Report on it.

Wherever you are, being “with grabber” will earn you an “x. ”

Daily Accountability

It’s a lot of fun to use the spreadsheet and give yourself an “x” for each use of a marketing tool, and to watch that daily and weekly total rise.

But this is fun with a purpose, and the purpose is to grow your sales. So, before you close each business day, ask yourself the Daily Accountability Question:

What did I do to bring in business today? (In other words, which Marketing Tools did you use today? Did your marketing to ‘suspects’ turn up any ‘prospects’?)

If so, how many?

How is your sales process moving along?

Did you close any sales today? If so, when were they first contacted, and how?

And don’t just recite the answers to yourself. Write them down in a desk diary! Use your own codes and shorthand. It shouldn’t take you more than five minutes.

Doing this exercise will force you to focus your workday on what’s most important. Also, it will reveal to you how long it takes from first response to making a sale. You will discover the time it takes to make a sale.

Then look at tomorrow, and spend two minutes deciding what activities you will do tomorrow to continue your drive to ad-sales success.

The Weekly Review and Evaluation

This is where you step back and take a “big picture” look at what is and is not working. But there’s no need to write your own version of ‘War and Peace’ . The Weekly Review and Evaluation shouldn’t take more than 15 minutes to complete.

During your Weekly Review and Evaluation, you should note if those faxes you sent drew any responses. Or you can write jot down how well Thursday’s batch of promotional postcards is working. Are the cards actually getting people to call your office? If so, how many? And how many convert to booking some business?

The Weekly Review and Evaluation also presents a good opportunity to check in with yourself. Write about how your morale has been during the week. And if things haven’t been that great, take a moment to figure out how to get yourself feeling on top of the world again.

Before you finish your Weekly Review and Evaluation, do your business a favor. Write down at least one bright idea that will improve the way you transact, get, or run your

business. Over time, you will build up quite an idea bank. And, if you put your ideas into practice, you’ll find that you can take the results to the bank

Now that we’ve looked at each of the tools, take a moment to decide which tools would work best for your and your business. Once you’ve selected the most promising tools, you’ll need to do some preparatory work before you start using them and earning those “x” marks.

For example, if you’d like to gain some publicity (Tool 16) for your opportunity, you’ll have to write a news release, select the media outlets that would be most interested in it, and send the release. This process can take hours. Or it can take days or weeks.

The Daily Accountability Questions

It’s a lot of fun to give yourself an “x” for each use of a marketing tool, and to watch that daily and weekly total rise.

It’s even MORE fun to get SOMEONE ELSE to do it for you!

Once you have set a couple of the PROCESSES so that they become automatic SYSTEMS, then they become MECHANICAL.

You can get an assistant (or cheap after-school workers) to do: the faxing, the letter sending, the data input of new ‘members’, the ‘Thank you’ letter sending …. and 1001 other tasks for you.


Then you can hand over a ‘working’ system to the hired help …. and spend your time SELLING -- converting the leads which your system has generated into booked business.

Because this is fun with a purpose, and the purpose is to grow your business. So, before you close each business day, ask yourself the two Daily Accountability Questions:

What did I do to make money today? (This is where you document the paying work you did, and who you did it for.)

What did I do to bring in business today? (In other words, which Marketing Tools did you use today? Did your marketing turn up any qualified sales prospects? If so, how many? How is your sales process moving along? Did you close any sales today? If so, how many?)

And don’t just recite the answers to yourself. Write them down! It shouldn’t take you more than five minutes.

Doing this exercise will force you to focus your workday on what’s most important: doing business and bringing in more business. Try it for a couple of months. Don’t be surprised if you start to see your revenue on the rise, and your marketing and sales efforts intensifying. (And be sure to reward yourself for your success!)

Your One-Page Annual Report

Since you’ve been diligent about checking in with yourself on a daily and weekly basis, this report will be a breeze to write.

All you have to do is provide the answers to the following questions: What were my five best business moves of the year?

What were my five worst business moves of the year?

Again, no need to write an epic novel. Just give yourself 15 minutes, and be honest with yourself.


After a few months of using the 16 Marketing Tools Tracker, you may find yourself focusing in on a few “favorite” tools. You’ll probably zero in on around 10 or so.

If those 10 or so tools are the ones that work best for your business, great!

But be careful that you haven’t gotten yourself into a tool-rut. Take time to try a new tool now and then. After all, you have 16 to choose from!

“How many times must a prospect see a marketing message to take them from a state of total apathy to purchase readiness?”

Many, many studies have concluded that any marketing message must penetrate the mind of a prospect a total of seven times before that prospect considers becoming a client.

And that’s the good news!

The bad news is that for every 3 times you expose your prospect to your marketing message, it gets missed or ignored 2 of those times. So you’ve got to put out the good word a total of 21 times in order to make those 7 impressions.

But by combining several of the tools and systems above, you can get your message across -- mechanically -- in just a few weeks.

Now you know how to FIND new clients, would you like to know what to SAY to them, to give yourself the BEST chance of SELLING some ad-space to them?

If so, you need a Sales Conversion Process.

That about wraps up t he methods used by EXPERT sales people to find new business. They all agree that:

· The BEST and quickest way is from a referral

· The best LONG TERM method is to position yourself as an EXPERT and let the clients come to you ...

· But EVERYBODY has to COLD CALL at some time. It comes with the territory.

· You need to PRACTICE your lines for cold calling until you can say them without thinking. Think of cold calls as 'junk' telephone calls, and bang them out like junk mail.


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