The SEO Secret.

The SEO Secret


David Congreave

The Nettle Magazine (Paypershop Ltd) ©



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Important – Read First 3 The Absolute Truth about SEO 4 The Secret... 8 1.. 2.. 3.. GO! 11

Lucid SEO 13

Important – Read First

Yes, I know, you’re dying to know the ‘secret’ and you’re tempted to skip straight ahead to the good stuff.

But if you don’t read this introduction first, the secret will not make sense and, therefore, will be of less use to you.

Give me just a couple of moments now and I promise I’ll get straight into the juicy details in just a few paragraphs time.

After all, you’ve waited this long so what’s a few more minutes..?


The Absolute Truth about SEO

If I told you there was no such thing as ‘absolute truth’, would that be an absolute truth?

It’s an age-old paradox, but it nicely sums up the nature of search engine optimisation.

Everything every SEO expert tells you about search engine optimisation is based on a certain level of interpretation. In other words, just about every fact in this industry can be disputed, often with legitimate data, to one degree or another.

clip_image006Only recently, one proven expert was taken to task by another proven expert on a fairly fundamental aspect of SEO. Both had strong arguments (and data) to back up their position, and both sounded plausible.

But they couldn’t BOTH be right, could they?

Well… as strange as it may sound, that may well be the best explanation.

Because – and this where I blow your mind just a little bit – not EVEN

Google has the absolute truth about SEO. Let me say that again for dramatic effect.

Not EVEN Google has the absolute truth about SEO.

If you’re an old-hand at SEO than you’ve probably got a wry smile on your face right now because you know that this is a very strange, but true statement. If you’re still puzzled, allow me to elaborate.

Google uses a complex algorithm to decide how the web pages that they index should be ranked for different keywords and keyphrases.

The algorithm is kept secret to stop people from manipulating their way to the top.

Of course, all SEO is manipulation but, by maintaining a veil of secrecy around their algorithm, Google can – for the most part – keep their search engine results relevant. By testing and tracking, SEO experts attempt to reverse-engineer the algorithm by looking at common trends.

For example, if you test 1000 keywords and 80% of the websites on the first page of Google have a keyword density of 5%, then you might conclude that you need a similar keyword density to compete (this is a made-up statistic by the way, so don’t rush off thinking this is the secret – LOL).

The problem with this reasoning is that there is more than one factor at work. Remember, Google’s algorithm is made up of many, many factors working together.

That’s why, even the best SEO experts may be able to gain top rankings in Google with astonishing accuracy, but they are NOT infallible.

And they, most certainly, CANNOT claim to have the absolute truth. It’s a little bit like the weatherman saying he can predict the weather

perfectly. He might be able to do so on a regular basis and with a high degree of skill, but every now and again his prediction will be totally

and utterly wrong.


But surely, you might ask, that can’t be said of Google? It’s THEIR

algorithm so surely at least THEY have the absolute truth.

I can assure you they don’t. And the simple reason is because, as with any complex system, unexpected events can emerge.

As soon as any system becomes sufficiently complex, even the creators cannot predict future developments and results with perfect accuracy.

A Google insider who has a complete knowledge of the algorithm may be able to get a webpage to rank highly with little difficulty, but they would still be unable to predict ALL of the variances.

It would ALWAYS be possible for someone else to come along and beat the competing web page by design or even by accident.

Still not convinced? Let me give you an example.

Recently a well-known SEO expert had his website completely de-listed from Google. Allegedly this happened because someone deliberately and maliciously exploited a loophole in the Google algorithm and managed to create a detrimental effect on the website in question.

clip_image010Once something like this happens, Google’s only recourse is to tweak the algorithm to reverse the effect and stop anyone else from taking advantage of the problem.

So that’s what Google do. Every so often, they ‘tweak’ the algorithm in an attempt to make it more effective and to stop people from getting ‘worthless’ web

pages to rank highly. Occasionally the update is significant, but usually it’s subtle and only affects a minority of web pages.

The mere fact that Google have to keep working on their algorithm to improve it and to fix unexpected and undesirable outcomes is proof that even the mighty king of search does not have the absolute truth.

So what does this mean for you?

Simply put, you can learn SEO from an expert but there is NO one system, technique or practice that will guarantee you top rankings.

There is a whole bunch of things you can do to VASTLY improve your chances, but you need to keep some perspective.

But that isn’t the secret.

Don’t worry, there’s more to this story yet.

When it comes to SEO – there is no silver bullet. But there is a strategy that EVERY webmaster that has optimised their website into the top rankings is using.

If you fail to utilise this strategy, then I can guarantee that you will

NEVER get the search engine rankings that you crave. Again, repetition for emphasis:

If you do not utilise this strategy, then I can guarantee that you will NEVER get the rankings that you crave.

And to obtain the secret will only cost you… Just kidding :-P Read on as I reveal the secret.

The Secret...

The REAL secret behind effective SEO is not a trick or a mystery software program.

It’s the KNOWLEDGE that the majority of web marketers have got themselves into a vicious circle of doubt regarding SEO that leaves them absolutely paralysed!

Look at it like this…

Marketer Billy-Bob wants his website to rank well in the search engines for search phrases relating to ‘windscreen repair in Mississippi’.

Billy-Bob knows that a website with really complicated and advanced SEO will beat him because he only knows how to do basic SEO.

clip_image012He reasons that he will concentrate on other marketing techniques until his knowledge of SEO improves.

What Billy-Bob doesn’t realise is that 95% of his competition have never even heard of SEO. And the other 5% are making the same assumption as Billy-Bob and, as a consequence… are doing no SEO whatsoever.

And that’s why even basic SEO can win. It’s a sorry fact that the majority of people DON’T do basic SEO, even when they know how.

Don’t forget, Google HAVE to find ten web pages to go on the first page for each search term. If there are only three well-optimised pages, Google has to find seven more to fill out the page. Those seven pages may have had no SEO work whatsoever, but without anything better to choose from…

The chances are good that if Billy-Bob only had the courage to put into practice his basic SEO knowledge, then good rankings would be there for the taking. Even if, by some fluke of nature, three of Billy-Bob’s

competitors were SEO experts, position number four would still be up for grabs with a little basic work.

To gain high search engine rankings for a highly competitive search term such as ‘insurance’ may not be possible if you’re only doing the basics. But, unless your website is trying to draw in every single person in the entire world who is searching on the single keyword ‘insurance’ (and who knows what they’re trying to find) your area of search is going to be far easier to crack.

You would be amazed how much space in the SEO world is still available because even capable marketers are labouring under the assumption that it’s just too difficult or that it’s going to take up too much of their time.

clip_image014People rarely fail at SEO because what they’re doing is less complicated than a competitor. People fail because they look for short-cuts, or they can’t be bothered to do the work, or they have already decided that it’s not going to work.

The fact that you purchased this report says that, on some level, you believed that to be effective you needed some special SEO SUPERHERO skills.

Don’t feel bad. This is the way that the majority of people think.

Worse still, I am quite sure that some people will read this chapter and then stop reading in disgust because they were expecting some kind of black-hat sleight of hand that would provide them with search engine rankings without the work.

And do you know what they’ll do next..?

They’ll go back to trying to find a short cut that doesn’t exist and six months later they STILL won’t have any significant search engine rankings.

The Lucid SEO secret may not be cool in the same way as Yoda teaching young Skywalker how to levitate rocks, but it is arguably the most valuable piece of SEO information out there.

clip_image016Still shaking your head in disgust? Still thinking you’ve been short-changed?

Do you want to know WHY you feel this way?

Because what I’ve just told you sounds TOO simple.

If I’d written down an arcane series of instructions that sounded like gibberish and announced that this was the key to SEO, most people would have jumped on it with delight.

In fact, even when it failed miserably, a large proportion would still have proclaimed it as the best SEO trick ever.

And the reason for this paradoxical situation is because we, as human beings, often confuse complexity with effort.

Have you ever heard the expression “anything worthwhile takes effort to achieve”?

Notice that the key word here is ‘effort’ and not ‘intelligence’.

Yes, there are experts out there who are very intelligent and if you try to go up against them, there’s a good chance you’ll get trounced. But 99.9% of the time, you’re not competing with them. You’re competing against normal people with a below average understanding of SEO.

Flip that around and a normal person with an average understanding of SEO will get a top ranking over everyone else, the VAST MAJORITY of the time.

Is that you? Are you a normal person with an average understanding of SEO?

Turn to the next chapter to find out.

1.. 2.. 3.. GO!

The secret of SEO can be summed up as, get off your butt and get on with it, but I think I can come up with something a little more productive than that.

Yes, someone who does SEO work will always beat someone who does none, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get the work done more QUICKLY and more EFFICIENTLY with a little application.

So, without further ado, here is the 1-2-3 step to SEO heaven.

Step 1 – Start Now

clip_image018The fundamental aspect of the secret is actually DOING the work so, as soon as you’ve finished reading this report, do ONE piece of SEO before you do anything else.

It doesn’t have to be a big job, just do


If you’re not sure where to start, check out the last chapter in this report entitled “Lucid SEO”.

Step 2 – Don’t Get Side-Tracked

clip_image020Resist the temptation to look for technological short- cuts. If they’re black-hat techniques they may hinder your efforts or even get you de-listed completely.

The best case scenario is that you’ll have WASTED your time and money with expensive and bogus software.

There are some techniques and tools you can use to speed up the SEO process, but make sure these come from a reputable source.

If you’d like some white-hat techniques to get you moving quickly, check out the last chapter in this report entitled “Lucid SEO”.

Step 3 – Keep It Simple

Often the most effective SEO techniques are straight-forward, even mundane – as simple as ‘1 2 3’.

If you’re trying to knock Microsoft off the top spot at Google for the keyword ‘microsoft’ (good luck with that by the way), then maybe you need to be an SEO ninja. For everything else, focus on the simple things that you know are effective.

If you’d like a straight-forward, step-by-step guide to SEO, then (have you got the hint yet – LOL) check out the last chapter in this report entitled “Lucid SEO”.

Lucid SEO

Before I say anything else, let me take this opportunity to thank you for reading this report.

I hope you found it useful and I hope you are one of the few people that actually take some ACTION based on what you’ve learned.

I also hope that in a year’s time when you have ALL the search engine rankings you need, that you look back with a sense of satisfaction on the day that you finally realised – SEO is just about getting it done.

If you’re already an SEO expert – then the 1-2-3 step in the previous chapter is all you need.

However, if your knowledge of SEO is anywhere between non-existent and above average, then I’m pleased to introduce you to the…


The word ‘lucid’ carries the idea of clear and logical and that perfectly sums up the system I’ve had the privilege of helping Tim Whiston to put together.

When we began composing this system, we had three mandatory requirements:

1) It should be short and completely devoid of fluff. If it didn’t further the reader’s ability to perform effective SEO, then it would be cut.

2) The techniques should be straightforward, compliant with Google rules, and be designed to create long-term rankings that aren’t going to be ‘here today – gone tomorrow’.

And here’s the big one…

3) It shouldn’t be necessary to understand WHY the techniques work to be able to perform them.

The last of these three may sound a little odd, so let me just clarify this by saying that Lucid SEO DOES explain how and why these techniques work, but understanding them is not a REQUIREMENT.

This means that, firstly, you’re not forced to become an SEO expert to carry out the work. Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, it means you have easy instructions available should you decide to outsource some of this work.

Lucid SEO covers the fundamentals you need to be aware of, and then describes the basic SEO work you need to do to go get some good search engine rankings and the traffic that goes with it.

Each section describes a new technique and then, at the end, it is summarised in a format that explains – in plain English – what to do and when to do it.

This is as simple and as straightforward as SEO gets. As we like to say,

“It makes SEO as easy to DO as it is to SPELL”

So here’s your first LUCID SEO task:

Click on the link below and get your copy of Lucid SEO today.

clip_image022Launches on November 20th 2007


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