SEO Skills Mastery.



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SEO is short for search engine optimization. This is the very complex yet very visible way of accessing websites or web pages within the natural or unpaid realm of search results. Simply put in its literal sense, is that the more visits or “hits” (as it is often referred to) the more visible the said site would be when a search is applied.


SEO Skills And Mastery

Get More Traffic With SEO

Chapter 1:

clip_image006SEO Intro


There are several different categories that are related to the different targets available such as image search, local search, video search, academic search, news search, and any industry specific vertical search. The SEO is supposed to function as a virtual search engine, optimizing relevant information on behalf of a broad client list to ensure all possible and related information is available at the touch of a button or the click of a mouse.


The Basics

In the ever fast pace of today’s business world, almost every individual depends heavily on the internet to source for the latest information in the shortest amount of time possible.

The SEO provides a great marketing strategy, whereby it considers how search engines work, and what people need, in terms of information, services etc, and then works towards providing the relevant information based on its target audience.

However there is also a down side to the SEO known as the black hat SEO. This is really a poisoning tool, also known as spamdexing which can lead to problems which can sometimes be very serious indeed.

This is a very serious problem because much of today’s every system functions on some sort of computerized element and thus can be susceptible to negative elements.

The spamdexing usually tag onto keywords, links, or other article spinning to degrade, alter, or corrupt the search. Certain exercises are usually put in place to detect and remove these negative elements.

Chapter 2:

clip_image006[1]About Search Engines


Very simply put, search engines are mini computer programs which help the individual find specific information. As there is an infinite amount of information available online, without effective search engines which are designed for the purpose of finding such information, it would be almost impossible if not an monumental task altogether.


Things To Understand

Utilizing the same basic principals the various different search engines work in a variety of specific ways to provide the information sought.

All this in done is the shortest and most efficient amount of time. In order to function at its optimum level the search engines have to form a local database which is tagged to the internet.

Originally in order to be detected the search engines would identify keywords and titles but more recently a more comprehensive method of detection is used.

The current method used by the search engines is to index all of the text on every page and also any other related data linked to the original search. This method ensures a more efficient search for information rather than having to go around the internet every time a query is sent in.

The search engines create various data bases by scouring the internet for any new information either linked directly or indirectly to the subject at hand and then compiling this information and channeling it to the relevant avenues being sought.

The search engine must access the value each page for the words and information that appears on it. At its most elementary level, the

search engine must keep track of the contents of each page and record that page as relevant for any potential search done based on the keywords it’s tagged to.

Thus in order to be fairly completive each search engine will constantly come up with newer ways for weighting the importance or relevance of the information posted.


Chapter 3:

clip_image006[2]What You Need For SEO


For software applications and websites to be useful to whoever is accessing it, the information prepared and shared must be made available to all who are interested or related to the search. The requirements should be as traceable elements and functions.


What’s Required

When gathering the relevant data for the requirements of SEO several factors should be taken into account such as the information required by the potential individual souring the internet and the users who really want to have their information or services tailored to the individual’s needs. Though not identical both side’s needs have to be addressed in order for a successful connection to be made.

A lot of relevant information needs to be decided upon before a posting is designed. In some instances the “space” for shared comments should be provided if it is deemed necessary for all parties connected to the SEO.

Perhaps information garnered from the comments regarding the products sold or competing product would prove to be useful and relevant.

Some of the areas that can be explored are to create communities of interest, knowledge sharing, selling of products, sales of services such as consultancies, cleaning services, plumbing services, financial services, legal services, and many others.

Creating further brand awareness and improving brand perception is also another tool that can be used in the requirements of SEO.

Conducting competitive analysis is also another function that can be linked to the requirements of SEO. Using pictures, charts or other specific functions of competing sites can be of tremendous advantage to the potential client and those viewing the said site.

The general idea behind gathering requirements of SEO should be to ensure revenue is earned, information in provided to the relevant users, sales lead are achieved, online registrations are facilitated without hassle are just a few to be mentioned.


Chapter 4:

clip_image006[3]How To Do Keyword Research


clip_image018Being aware of the importance of keyword research is beneficial to all parties intending to be connected in any way to the unlimited world of the internet. Being in the know definitely has its positive advantages some of which include knowing and understanding the ever changing needs and interests of potential customers or internet users.

The Right Keywords

The usefulness of this form of intelligence detention cannot be underestimated nor ignored. The keyword research can allow for predictions on shifts in market conditions and demands which directly affect the possible content that web searchers are always actively seeking.

Words or phrases that are typed into a search engine are liked in many ways to various different sites. The search begins as the keywords research tool is used to retrieve the desired or liked information from the various sites tagged.

The importance of the optimum use of the keyword is in the understanding of its value in directing as much traffic as possible to the sites listed.

The most important item to consider when conducting the keyword research is the judge if the keyword used is relevant to the content offered in the particular website.

Another is to consider if the potential searcher will manage to have their queries satisfactorily addressed. Then the issue of deriving financial rewards from the potential “hits” or visit to the site should be addressed.

Having other advertisements tagged onto the site will also ensure further interest and thus contribute to possible financial rewards.

Doing some research or even investing in a sample campaign for optimum keywords may have unlimited benefits. The idea is really to be able to target as many searchers as possible in a limited amount of time.

This will then translate to a lot on interest in the site and perhaps further revenue from other interested parties who may want to be tagged to the successful site. All this is simply because the correct keywords were used.


Chapter 5:

clip_image006[4]Title And Meta Tags


Creating successful websites today can be very challenging indeed. Perhaps because it has now become a very competitive arena, websites now require a lot more thought and effort than previously imagined. Thus the need to be better informed of what it takes to create a successful website.


Important Info

The proper use of search engine optimization is prudent if not essential. Most web designers are now more aware of the need to ensure the sites created are search engine optimized, and this is where some in-depth knowledge of SEO can be beneficial. Learning more about title and meta tag creation is just one aspect that needs to be seriously considered.

Understanding the importance of title tags is the difference between a successfully designed webpage or site than an unsuccessful one.

Basically a title tag is a short and concise description of the site visited and it’s usually located to the top corner of the page. This is really important because it is what will perk the interest of the searcher to scan further into the site.

Thus it is very important to create a title tag that is attractive, SEO and people friendly. The idea is to use the least yet best keywords in the title tag to keep the searchers attention. Though this may be a little difficult to decide upon it is definitely a very important point to understand.

META tags are similar yet very different in its functions. The META tags are a useful item as it generally indicates to the searcher or spiders what to do with the site. Knowing the coding for META tags is

useful as it help to identify the keywords within the tag, however most search engine spiders no longer factor it into their rankings.

Customizing the tags to fit the individual website alongside the SEO principals can be done or alternatively using the robot text setting is also applicable.


Chapter 6:

clip_image006[5]SEO And Copywriting


There are several very important issues that need to be understood in the quest to being able to successfully garner the hits needed to any site. For copywriters this is especially important and true.

What To Write

Among the most important elements required in a search engine optimized website is the content. Any potential visits to the website are probably only interested in one thing and that is the content of the website which in reality is the words on the said site.

This also applies to the search engine spiders that actively move through the web pages scanning for the same thing. Therefore if the content on the web page does not adequately match the keyword then the effort put into formulating the page would be wasted indeed. Furthermore the individual hosting the webpage runs the risk of being negatively listed.

Thus the function of the copywriter is to create highly relevant yet unique content which has the quality that is able to attract clients. The uniqueness of the content will be the pulling factor.

Then this has to be followed up with information that is both “human” friendly as well as search engine optimized. The target keywords must be captivating to both parties.

Creating content that is engaging, interesting and offers value to “surfers” will definitely keep the webpage popular and with a lot of hits. This popularity will help garner interest from other related

websites which may recommend the said website to hits on their sites. Bottom line is the more “hits” on the website translates to better exposure and this leads to better revenue. When this happens the added advantage garnered would be the search engines propelling the said website up in the ranking profile.

While all this is being done, it is important to always ensure the contents of the webpage are kept relevant. Also the information posted must have a certain amount of credibility.

Chapter 7:

clip_image006[6]Integrating SEO Into Your Business


One of the most important elements to seriously consider when considering web page design is the presence it is capable of demanding. Having an unshakeable presence is definitely the most important element in ensuring maximum traffic to the said site. A steady stream of traffic will ensure the success of the website.

In Your Business

Sometime individual seek the expertise of marketing services to provide the circumstance that will garner interest, while this is quite a worthwhile investment, it is only a temporary solution to boosting traffic to the website.

Most people don’t give enough attention to the importance of SEO into their business; as they are too busy concentrating on the core business issues. This is indeed a huge and sometimes very costly mistake.

Taking the time to understand and learn more about what the website intend to project will allow the better write up of solid SEO content. The integration of the SEO will then consequently ensures the said content is disseminated and socialized and generally create the web presence needed to ensure its staying power.

If the idea of integrating SEO into the business seems daunting, then perhaps generating as much interest as possible using other ways is also another way to use the SEO effectively.

Basically the people who are involved directly in the actual content or topic of the website would be the best people to comment or blog about the website. This then generates the artificial interest needed to boost the hits or visits to the site.

Thus encouraging all those linked to the website to undertake the SEO and web marketing campaigns would be in the best interest of boosting the website as their views would be based on firsthand knowledge. The more postings done on the site the better the exposure garnered.

Chapter 8:

clip_image006[7]Directory Submissions


Understanding the need to be listed or included in search engine and directory submission will allow an individual to decide if this particular avenue is worth pursuing.


Previously directories provided the valuable service of providing webmasters with new sites indexed or introducing links to create the popularity needed to a particular site.

However of late these services don’t seem to have the same impact or coverage it used to. The directories don’t seem to be as helpful in addressing these two arrears as affectively as in the past.

This coupled with the rising cost of submission fees have an individual’s listing done does cause a certain amount of apprehension on the part of the individual interested in being linked to the search engine and directory submission.

Generally the directories are used as a strategy to help build links to ensure traffic flow which in turn heightens the popularity factor and thus causes further attraction to the sight.

This is of course an ideal scenario which should be the directories main function. However when this is not evident the paying customer may end up losing confidence in the service provided, but if there is an interest in listing with the search engines and directories then the following should be exercised.

• Find the appropriate category which best suits the individual content.

• Ensure the directory identified best describes the said website

• Review this thoroughly

• Choosing the right category will ensure the quick approval and faster listing

• Use the “suggest a site” link if in doubt

• Ensure site in available round the clock

• Be prepared to have the relevant information at hand – such as site’s title URL and brief description.

If all the above is carefully followed the usual waiting period is about a week. If everything is in order and satisfactory then, the site will be admitted and featured as a legitimate site.

Chapter 9:

clip_image006[8]Spam And Other Concerns


clip_image026Search engine spam is also know by other terms such search spam, web spam, search engine poisoning to name a few more familiar and often used terms. This is a simple style of manipulation to bring about complications and corruptions to material on the internet.

Getting A Handle On It

It is a constant and ongoing process to eliminate as many spam causing problems as possible. Some of these exercises many include determining the search term appearance in the META keyword bank or any other search terms.

Many search engines check for instances of spamdexing and will remove instantly any suspected pages form their indexes. There are also instances where individuals who are engaged by certain search engines will immediately block the results listing form entire websites that use spamdexing which may have been alerted through other users.

Basically this can lead to problems arising from the site operators who load their websites with a lot of extraneous terms so that the search engine will detect these terms and then list them as legitimate. This will then cause users to receive unsolicited information and may also cause the individual’s system to be corrupted.

Thus most internet users turn to protections facilitated by implementing firewall and other means of blocking such unwanted solicitation. Some of these may include using software like anti spam, antivirus, anti spoofing, anti phishing, anti spyware or attachments, denial of service, data leak prevention, and cloud protection layer.

Most spam and firewall protectors provide the following services:

• Network denial of service protection

• Rate control

• IP reputation analysis

• Sender authentication

• Recipient verification

• Virus scanning

• Policy

• Spam fingerprint check

• Intent analysis

• Image analysis

• Rule base scoring

Most large organization which depends heavily on the use of computer systems ensures that they are protected with the every changing and best system possible. As there is a lot of sensitive information that can be disseminated on the internet this is an ever present threat that should always be taken seriously.

Chapter 10:

clip_image006[9]Tracking It All


Using the internet to increase profitability and sales volume of any online business is in most cases the primary goal. Therefore having an adequate SEO reporting toll and a conversion tracking tool is most useful.

Know This

Besides developing accurate metrics and goals, building campaigns and managing online marketing the results achieved can be better gauged with the added help of conversion tracking facilities, all of which is done in real time data format.

Most SEO reporting and conversion tracking formats provide all the necessary online advertising options in one report. There is also the goal orientated traffic analysis aspect to be done which provides for better bid management and focuses on garnering optimum results only.

The exercise of determining the better percentages of the ROI is also done based on the cost and value of the traffic attracted. All this allows the individual to keep track of all the online advertising and PPC spent.

The advantages of which is seen when all incoming traffic sources are automatically recorded and included in the reports and search engines, 3rd party links and other online advertising sources.

All this translates in the individual being able to simply login and see all the traffic which has been filtered by the referrer. This is then put forth in one concise and simple report. The conversion report might also include any other information such as all traffic sources which

has been automatically recorded and grouped by the referrer and to also calculate the conversion rates by the said traffic source.

Some conversion tracking tools also provide other services like online access around the clock from anywhere in the world, access of said information on any internet savvy tool, which includes iPhones, iPads, iTouch, Facebook, Twitter to name a few.

There is also an alert service available which allows the individual to watch the online mentions of his or her postings or websites in an easy to read report.

Wrapping Up

SEO for your online business is highly important to be the success you wish to be. So get going on it today with all the info that has been provided in this book!


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